Difference: TWikiAccessControl (1 vs. 41)

Revision 412013-10-09 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

 Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups

TWiki Access Control allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user Groups. Access control, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, lets you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

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An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with great care - the more restrictions, the less Wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
Your organization will learn that, while fostering an open collaborative environment, soft security (peer review), together with version control (complete audit trail) will take care of any security concern you might have.

Open, free-form editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaborative environments. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with great care - the more restrictions, the less wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focused.
  • In TWiki, content is transparently preserved under revision control:
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  • Avoid creating view-only Users (if you can read it, you should be able to contribute to it).

Permissions settings of the webs on this TWiki site

Preferences Home TWiki on       TWikiAdminGroup   TWikiAdminGroup
Preferences Home Public on            
Preferences Home Sandbox on            

Please Note:

  • A blank in the the above table may mean either the corresponding control is absent or commented out or that it has been set to a null value. The two conditions have dramatically different and possibly opposed semantics.
  • TWikiGuest is the guest account - used by unauthenticated users.
  • The TWiki web must not deny view to TWikiGuest; otherwise, people will not be able to register.

Preferences Home TWiki on       TWikiAdminGroup   TWikiAdminGroup
Preferences Home Public on            
Preferences Home Sandbox on            

Please Note:

  • A blank in the the above table may mean either the corresponding control is absent or commented out or that it has been set to a null value. The two conditions have dramatically different and possibly opposed semantics.
  • TWikiGuest is the guest account - used by unauthenticated users.
  • The TWiki web must not deny view to TWikiGuest; otherwise, people will not be able to register.
Note: Above table comes from SitePermissions
Note: Above table comes from SitePermissions

Authentication vs. Access Control

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 For example, set this to restrict a topic to be viewable only by the MarketingExecGroup:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.MarketingExecGroup
Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.
See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.
Be careful with empty values for any of these.
ALERT! If the same setting is defined multiple times the last one overrides the previous. They are not OR'ed together.
    This means the same as not setting it at all. (This was documented wrong in versions 4.0.X, 4.1.0 and 4.1.1)

Allowing public access to specific topics in a restricted web

    Since TWiki 4.0 this means do not deny anyone the right to view this topic. If DENYTOPICVIEW is set to an empty value anyone has access even if ALLOWTOPICVIEW or ALLOWWEBVIEW is defined. This allows to have very restrictive default access rights to an entire web and still allow individual topics to have more open access.
You may want to completely open up access to a specific topic within a restricted web - allowing access by anybody. There is a special group for that - Main.AllUsersGroup. The following setting allows view access to the topic by anybody even if they are not authenticated.
  • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.AllUsersGroup
The same rules apply to ALLOWTOPICCHANGE/DENYTOPICCHANGE and APPLYTOPICRENAME/DENYTOPICRENAME. Setting ALLOWTOPICCHANGE or ALLOWTOPICRENAME to en empty value means the same as not defining it. Setting DENYTOPICCHANGE or DENYTOPICRENAME to an empty value means that anyone can edit or rename the topic.
Alternatively, you can grant access only to authenticated users by Main.AllAuthUsersGroup. If an unauthenticated user accesses a topic having the following setting, they are asked to authenticate themself.
  • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.AllAuthUsersGroup
ALERT! If the same setting is defined multiple times the last one overrides the previous. They are not OR'ed together.
Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.
ALERT! The setting to an empty has caused confusion and great debate and it has been decided that the empty setting syntax will be replaced by something which is easier to understand in a later version of TWiki. A method to upgrade will be provided. Please read the release notes carefully when you upgrade.
As mentioned in the following section, meaning of an empty value set to DENYTOPICVIEW, DENYTOPICCHANGE, and DENYTOPICRENAME has been changed in TWiki 6.0. To keep those TWiki topics having empty DENYTOPICOPERAION accessible by everybody, those need to be replaced with
  • Set ALLOWTOPICOPERATION = Main.AllUsersGroup
See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.
For that, tools/eliminate_emptydenytopic is provided. After upgrading from pre 6.0 to post 6.0, you need to run it.

Empty values in access control variables

Setting an empty value to an access control variable is the same as not setting at all:


ALERT! Since TWiki 4.0 and prior to TWiki 6.0 setting DENYTOPICVIEW, DENYTOPICCHANGE, or DENYTOPICRENAME to an empty value meant "do not deny anyone regardless of the corresponding ALLOWTOPICX", which is no longer the case. Back then, setting an empty value to DENYTOPICX was the only way to open up a topic to everybody in a restricted web. Now that we have AllUsersGroup and AllAuthUsersGroup, there is no need for that behaviour, which caused a lot of confusion and debate.

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    • access is PERMITTED.
  1. If DENYTOPIC is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list will be DENIED.
  1. If DENYTOPIC is set to empty ( i.e. Set DENYTOPIC = )
    • access is PERMITTED i.e no-one is denied access to this topic.
      ALERT! Attention: Use this with caution. This is deprecated and will likely change in the next release.
  1. If DENYTOPIC is set to empty ( i.e. Set DENYTOPIC = )
    • the access control setting is ignored.
      ALERT! Attention: The spec changed in TWiki-6.0; access was permitted in earlier TWiki releases.
  1. If ALLOWTOPIC is set
    1. people in the list are PERMITTED
    2. everyone else is DENIED
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    • everyone else will be DENIED
  1. If you got this far, access is PERMITTED


Allowing web creation by user mapping manager

There are cases where DENYROOTCHANGE, ALLOWROOTCHANGE, DENYWEBCHANGE, and ALLOWWEBCHANGE, and DENYWEBCHANGE are not capable enough to implement web creation permission you want. To cope with such cases, when a new web is created, the canCreateWeb($cUID, $web) method of the user mapping manager is called if the method exists. If it returns true, TWiki goes ahead and create the web without checking access control variables. Please read AllowWebCreateByUserMappingManager for more details.

User masquerading

There are cases where it's handy to access TWiki on behalf of somebody else retaining a trace of your real identity rather than completely becoming a different user. We call it user masquerading. TWiki provides a framework to implement that. Please read UserMasquerading for more information.

This is an advanced feature and not many TWiki sites are using, but there is a part in the following section mentioning it, it's mentioned here.

Dynamic access control

This feature is regarded experimental. There are pitfalls and vulnerability. Before using this feature, please read this entire section through carefully.

You may want to restrict access dynamically -- based on topic name, a form field value, or some combination of factors. To cope with such situations, the dynamic access control mechanism is provided. If you set DYNAMIC_ACCESS_CONTROL 'on' at WebPreferences of the web, TWiki variables in access control variables mentioned above are expanded.

Example 1 - restriction based on topic name

Let's assume you need to restrict changes only to the CroniesGroup members excep with topics whose name ends with Public, which need be changed by anybody. That is achieve by the following settings on WebPrefences.

   * Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = %IF{"'%CALCULATE{$SUBSTRING(%TOPIC%, -6, 6)}%' = 'Public'" then="%WIKINAME%" else="CroniesGroup"}%

Example 2 - restriction based on form field

Let's assume:

  • a web storing requests on topics whose name starts with ReqEnt
  • Each request topic has a form field "Requstor", which has the wiki name of the requestor
  • Users can view only requests they created
  • The members of the SupportGroup mail group can view all requests
That is achieve by the following settings on WebPrefences.

   * Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = %IF{"'%CALCULATE{$SUBSTRING(%TOPIC%, 1, 6)}%' = 'ReqEnt' and '%FORMFIELD{Requestor}%' != '%WIKINAME%'" then="SupportGroup" else="%WIKINAME%"}%

Specifically the following access control variables are subject to TWiki variable expansion in their values.

DENYROOT* and ALLOWROOT* are not subject to variable expansion. Because there has been no good use cases presented.

Dynamic access control in accessing a different web's topic

Let's assume WebA has the following lines on WebPreferences.

   * Set MEMBERS = JaneSmith, JoeSchmoe
This is not a good way to use dynamic access control but it does restrict accessonly to those listed in MEMBERS. However, access control doesn't work as expected when WebA.TopicB is accessed from WebC.TopicD by %INCLUDE{WebA.TopicB}% or other variables. This is because %MEMBERS% is defined in WebA and may have a different value in other webs.

You may think the following lines cheat the access control on WebA but actually not.

This is because when a topic (e.g. WebC.TopicD) is accessed from browser and the topic refers to another topic in a different web (e.g. WebA.TopicB) and the different web employs dynamic access control, access to another topic is defined being on the safer side.

Topic level dynamic access control

On a topic, it's possible to use a variable defined on the topic for topic level access restriction. E.g.

   * Set MEMBERS = JaneSmith, JoeSchmoe
[This is not a good way to use dynamic access control

Dynamic access control and user masquerading

Your user mapping handler may be providing the UserMasquerading feature. In that case, you expect dynamic access control to just work when user masquerading is in effect. Otherwise, you cannot test if your dynamic access control configuration is working as expected on your own.

Dynamic access control does work as expected even if user masquerading is in effect. For that, the following things are happening under the hood.

Let's think about Example 2 mentioned above. When you masquerading as SomebodyElse, you need to be able to see SomebodyElse's requests only. In the access control setting, a form field value is compared with %WIKINAME%. While user masquerading is in effect, your wiki name is YourNameOnBehalfOfSomebodyElse. It cannot match the form field value.

To make dynamic access control work under these circumstances, variable expansion for dynamic access control is skewed as follows. Specifically, the following variables are expanded to the value of SomeboyElse's rather than YourNameOnBehalfOfSomebodyElse's.



It's possible to redefine function tags such as %IF{...}% in your personal preferences. In a future release of TWiki, a way to prevent function tags from being overridden by personal preferences will be provied. But until then, you need to be well aware of this vulnerability.

Disabling dynamic access control

You may not be comfortable with dynamic access control because it may slow things down. Or you may not want to be bothered by questions raised by users about it. If so, you can disable it by setting DYNAMIC_ACCESS_CONTROL 'off' and then finalizing at the local site level. (cf. TWikiVariables#Setting_Preferences_Variables)


Access control and INCLUDE

ALLOWTOPICVIEW and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE only applies to the topic in which the settings are defined. If a topic A includes another topic B, topic A does not inherit the access rights of the included topic B.

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  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICCHANGE set to block editing for a user, it does not prevent editing the including topic A.
  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICVIEW set to block view for a user, the user can still view topic A but he cannot see the included topic B. He will see a message No permission to view B

Customizing "access denied" message

When access is denied, a page as follows is displayed:


You may want to customize the passage annotated in the red rectangle. For example, with a web restricting access, you may want to show the link to an access request form.

You can achieve that by setting TOPIC_ACCESS_CONTACT varialbe on WebPreferences. e.g.

   * Set TOPIC_ACCESS_CONTACT = If you need to access this site, please apply [[Main.AccessForm][here]]
Please note that setting it on a topic other than WebPreferences does not take effect. This is a limitation of the current implementation.

Custom user/group notations

You can have custom user/group notations such as USER:userid and LDAPGROUP:group-name and use them for access control. For example:

In a large organization, TWiki may need to depend on user and group data provided by its infrastructure. Custom user/group notations are handy in such situations though it's not trivial to implement. Please read here for details.

Access Control quick recipes

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Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiUserAuthentication, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiUserAuthentication, AllowWebCreateByUserMappingManager, UserMasquerading, CustomUserGroupNotations, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement
  -- Contributors: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.MikeMannix, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="access-denied.png" attr="" comment="" date="1366771092" name="access-denied.png" path="access-denied.png" size="32745" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1"

Revision 402012-09-11 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups

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  By default, TWiki does not secure file attachments. Without making the following changes to the twiki.conf file, it is possible for anyone who has access to the server to gain access to an attachment if they know the attachment's fully qualified path, even though access to the topic associated with the attachment is secured. This is because attachments are referred to directly by Apache, and are not by default delivered via TWiki scripts. This means that the above instructions for controlling to topics do not apply to attachments unless you make the changes as described below.
An effective way to secure attachments is to apply the same access control settings to attachments as those applied to topics. This security enhancement can be accomplished by instructing the webserver via Apache's mod_rewrite module to redirect accesses to attachments via the TWiki viewfile script, which honors the TWiki access controls settings to topics.
An effective way to secure attachments is to apply the same access control settings to attachments as those applied to topics. This security enhancement can be accomplished by instructing the webserver to redirect accesses to attachments via the TWiki viewfile script, which honors the TWiki access controls settings to topics. See the notes below for implications.
  The preferred method to secure attachments is by editing the twiki.conf file to include:
ScriptAlias /twiki/bin/ /filesystem/path/to/twiki/bin/ Alias /twiki/pub/ /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/

RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/+twiki/+pub/+(TWiki|Sandbox)/+.+ RewriteRule ^/+twiki/+pub/+(.*)$ /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1 [L,PT]

ScriptAlias /do /filesystem/path/to/twiki/bin Alias /pub/TWiki /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/TWiki Alias /pub/Sandbox /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/Sandbox ScriptAlias /pub /filesystem/path/to/twiki/bin/viewfile


  • You will need to restart your Apache server after this change.
  • Images embedded in topics will load slower since attached images will also be delivered by the viewfile script. The TWiki web and Sandbox web are excluded for performance reasons.
  • As an alternative to editing the twiki.conf file used by Apache, you can make the same change directly to the .htaccess file in the /twiki/bin directory.
  • The viewfile script sets the mime type based upon file name suffix. Unknown types are served as text/plain which can result in corrupt files.

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Access Control quick recipes


Restrict Access to Whole TWiki Site

For a firewalled TWiki, e.g. an intranet wiki or extranet wiki, you want to allow only invited people to access your TWiki. In this case, enable user authentication with ApacheLogin and lock down access to the whole twiki/bin and twiki/pub directories to all but valid users. In the Apache .htaccess file or the appropriate .conf file, replace the <FilesMatch "(attach|edit|... section with this:
In a firewalled TWiki, e.g. an intranet wiki or extranet wiki, you want to allow only invited people to access your TWiki. There are three options:

1. Install TWiki Behind Firewall:

The firewall takes care of giving access to TWiki to authorized people only. This is a typical setup for a company wiki. As for TWiki configuration, no special setup is needed.

2. Extranet TWiki Using Template Login:

All TWiki content (pages and attachments) need to be access controlled. The Template Login allows users to login and logout. Only logged in users can access TWiki content.

Configuration: Follow the default setup, then change these configure settings:

  • Secure attachments as documented. The TWiki:TWiki.ApacheConfigGenerator is useful to get the setting right.
  • Require authentication for all TWiki scripts except backuprestore, configure, login, logon and resetpasswd with the following configure setting:
    $TWiki::cfg{AuthScripts} = 'attach, changes, edit, manage, oops, preview, rdiff, rdiffauth, register, rename, rest, save, search, twiki_cgi, upload, statistics, view, viewauth, viewfile';
  • When you install additional plugins make sure to add scripts they might introduce also to twiki/bin also to the {AuthScripts} configure setting.
    Attention: Some scripts of additional plugins might not be aware of TWiki's template login. Test all new scripts with a non-authenticated user!

3. Extranet TWiki Using Apache Login:

All TWiki content (pages and attachments) need to be access controlled. The Apache Login does not offer a logout; typically the browser needs to be restarted to logout. Only logged in users can access TWiki content.

Configuration: Enable user authentication with ApacheLogin and lock down access to the whole twiki/bin and twiki/pub directories to all but valid users. In the Apache config file for TWiki (twiki.conf or .htaccess), replace the <FilesMatch "(attach|edit|... section with this:

<FilesMatch ".*">
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If needed, you can further restrict access to selected webs with ALLOWWEBVIEW and other access control settings.

Note: With this configuration, someone with access to the site needs to register new users.

Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs

Use the following setup to authenticate users for topic viewing in all webs and to restrict access to selected webs. Requires TWikiUserAuthentication to be enabled.

  1. Set require valid-user on your view script in .htaccess or the appropriate Apache .conf file. As of 4.x, this looks like: FilesMatch "(attach|edit|manage|rename|save|view|upload|mail|logon|.*auth).*" (normally view is not in that list).
  2. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted if DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW are not defined.
  3. If you still want public users to be able to register automatically follow TWiki:TWiki.RegisterOnViewRestrictedSite.
  • In all three options, content can be restricted selectively with ALLOWWEBVIEW and other access control settings documented above. See also the next quick recipe.
  • In the extranet setup, someone with access to the site needs to register new users. If you still want public users to be able to register automatically follow TWiki:TWiki.RegisterOnViewRestrictedSite.

Authenticate and Restrict Selected Webs Only

Revision 392011-07-16 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups

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 A user can create an account in TWikiRegistration. The following actions are performed:
  • WikiName and encrypted password are recorded using the password manager if authentication is enabled.
  • A confirmation e-mail is sent to the user.
  • A user home page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.
  • A user profile page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.

The default visitor name is TWikiGuest. This is the non-authenticated user.

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  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and/or Groups >

The GROUP setting is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:

  • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
  • Set GROUP = SomeUser, OtherUser, SomeGroup
The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the KasabianGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.KasabianGroup
The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the MarketingGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = MarketingGroup
ALERT! Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules. Make sure you have three spaces, an asterisk, and an extra space in front of any access control rule.
ALERT! Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules. Make sure you have a real bullet. (In raw edit it is three or six spaces, an asterisk, and an extra space in front of any access control rule.)

The Super Admin Group

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 A number of TWiki functions (for example, renaming webs) are only available to administrators. Administrators are simply users who belong to the SuperAdminGroup. This is a standard user group, the name of which is defined by {SuperAdminGroup} setting in configure. The default name of this group is the TWikiAdminGroup. The system administrator may have chosen a different name for this group if your local TWiki uses an alternate group mapping manager but for simplicity we will use the default name TWikiAdminGroup in the rest of this topic.

You can create new administrators simply by adding them to the TWikiAdminGroup topic. For example,

  • Set GROUP = Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair
  • Set GROUP = RobertCailliau, TimBernersLee
 A member of the Super Admin Group has unrestricted access throughout the TWiki, so only trusted staff should be added to this group.

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    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
For example, set this to restrict a web to be viewable only by the MarketingGroup:
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = Main.MarketingGroup
 If your site allows hierarchical webs, then access to sub-webs is determined from the access controls of the parent web, plus the access controls in the sub-web. So, if the parent web has ALLOWWEBVIEW set, this will also apply to the subweb. Also note that you will need to ensure that the parent web's FINALPREFERENCES does not include the access control settings listed above. Otherwise you will not be able override the parent web's access control settings in sub-webs.

Creation and renaming of sub-webs is controlled by the WEBCHANGE setting on the parent web (or ROOTCHANGE for root webs). Renaming is additionally restricted by the setting of WEBRENAME in the web itself.

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    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
For example, set this to restrict a topic to be viewable only by the MarketingExecGroup:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.MarketingExecGroup
 Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.

Be careful with empty values for any of these.

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Controlling who can manage top-level webs

Top level webs are a special case, because they don't have a parent web with a WebPreferences. So there has to be a special control just for the root level.

  • You can define these settings in the Main.%TWIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
  • You can define these settings in the Main.TWikiPreferences topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Note that you do not require ROOTCHANGE access to rename an existing top-level web. You just need WEBCHANGE in the web itself.
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Access Control quick recipes


Obfuscating Webs

Another way of hiding webs is to keep them hidden by not publishing the URL and by preventing the all webs search option from accessing obfuscated webs. Do so by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:

  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment, or to hide view access restricted webs.

ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.


Restrict Access to Whole TWiki Site

For a firewalled TWiki, e.g. an intranet wiki or extranet wiki, you want to allow only invited people to access your TWiki. In this case, enable user authentication with ApacheLogin and lock down access to the whole twiki/bin and twiki/pub directories to all but valid users. In the Apache .htaccess file or the appropriate .conf file, replace the <FilesMatch "(attach|edit|... section with this:

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Obfuscating Webs

Another way of hiding webs is to keep them hidden by not publishing the URL and by preventing the all webs search option from accessing obfuscated webs. Do so by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:

  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment, or to hide view access restricted webs.

ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.

Read-only Skin Mode

It is possible to turn the PatternSkin and TopMenuSkin into read-only mode by removing the edit and attach controls (links and buttons). This is mainly useful if you have TWiki application pages or dashboards where you do not want regular users to change content. The read-only skin mode is not a replacement for access control; you can use it in addition to access control. Details at PatternSkinCustomization#ReadOnlySkinMode.


Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiUserAuthentication, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement

Revision 382009-11-06 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups

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 See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.


Controlling access to Attachments


Securing File Attachments

Attachments are referred to directly, and are not normally indirected via TWiki scripts. This means that the above instructions for access control will not apply to attachments. It is possible that someone may inadvertently publicise a URL that they expected to be access-controlled.
By default, TWiki does not secure file attachments. Without making the following changes to the twiki.conf file, it is possible for anyone who has access to the server to gain access to an attachment if they know the attachment's fully qualified path, even though access to the topic associated with the attachment is secured. This is because attachments are referred to directly by Apache, and are not by default delivered via TWiki scripts. This means that the above instructions for controlling to topics do not apply to attachments unless you make the changes as described below.
The easiest way to apply the same access control rules for attachments as apply to topics is to use the Apache mod_rewrite module, and configure your webserver to redirect accesses to attachments to the TWiki viewfile script. For example,
An effective way to secure attachments is to apply the same access control settings to attachments as those applied to topics. This security enhancement can be accomplished by instructing the webserver via Apache's mod_rewrite module to redirect accesses to attachments via the TWiki viewfile script, which honors the TWiki access controls settings to topics.

The preferred method to secure attachments is by editing the twiki.conf file to include:

    ScriptAlias /twiki/bin/ /filesystem/path/to/twiki/bin/
    Alias /twiki/pub/       /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/

    RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/+twiki/+pub/+TWiki/+.+ RewriteRule ^/+twiki/+pub/+([^/]+)/+((([^/]+)/+)+)(.+) /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1/$4?filename=$5 [L,PT]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/+twiki/+pub/+(TWiki|Sandbox)/+.+ RewriteRule ^/+twiki/+pub/+(.*)$ /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1 [L,PT]
That way all the controls that apply to the topic also apply to attachments to the topic. Other types of webserver have similar support.

Note: Images embedded in topics will load much slower since each image will be delivered by the viewfile script.

  • You can use TWiki:TWiki/ApacheConfigGenerator to generate the Apache config file for TWiki.
  • You will need to restart your Apache server after this change.
  • Images embedded in topics will load slower since attached images will also be delivered by the viewfile script. The TWiki web and Sandbox web are excluded for performance reasons.
  • As an alternative to editing the twiki.conf file used by Apache, you can make the same change directly to the .htaccess file in the /twiki/bin directory.
  • The viewfile script sets the mime type based upon file name suffix. Unknown types are served as text/plain which can result in corrupt files.

Controlling who can manage top-level webs

Revision 372009-03-03 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

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  Access control: Restrict access to content based on users and groups once a user is identified.

Users and Groups

Access control is based on the familiar concept of Users and Groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames. They can then be organized in unlimited combinations by inclusion in one or more user Groups. For convenience, Groups can also be included in other Groups.


Managing Users

A user can create an account in TWikiRegistration. The following actions are performed:

Line: 74 to 76
  • Set GROUP = Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair
A member of the Super Admin Group has unrestricted access throughout the TWiki, so only trusted staff should be added to this group.

Restricting Access

You can define who is allowed to read or write to a web or a topic. Note that some plugins may not respect access permissions.

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  Note that there is an important distinction between CHANGE access and RENAME access. A user can CHANGE a topic, but thanks to version control their changes cannot be lost (the history of the topic before the change is recorded). However if a topic or web is renamed, that history may be lost. Typically a site will only give RENAME access to administrators and content owners.

Controlling access to a Web

You can define restrictions on who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:

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  Note: For Web level access rights Setting any of these settings to an empty value has the same effect as not setting them at all. Please note that the documentation of TWiki 4.0 and earlier versions of TWiki 4.1 did not reflect the actual implementation, e.g. an empty ALLOWWEBVIEW does not prevent anyone from viewing the web, and an an empty DENYWEBVIEW does not allow all to view the web.

Controlling access to a Topic

  • You can define these settings in any topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
Line: 134 to 139
  See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.

Controlling access to Attachments

Attachments are referred to directly, and are not normally indirected via TWiki scripts. This means that the above instructions for access control will not apply to attachments. It is possible that someone may inadvertently publicise a URL that they expected to be access-controlled.

Line: 162 to 168
    • Set ALLOWROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Note that you do not require ROOTCHANGE access to rename an existing top-level web. You just need WEBCHANGE in the web itself.

How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings

When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW, CHANGE and RENAME access may be granted/denied separately.

Line: 192 to 199
  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICCHANGE set to block editing for a user, it does not prevent editing the including topic A.
  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICVIEW set to block view for a user, the user can still view topic A but he cannot see the included topic B. He will see a message No permission to view B

Access Control quick recipes

Obfuscating Webs

Revision 362007-07-08 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control

Line: 128 to 128
  The same rules apply to ALLOWTOPICCHANGE/DENYTOPICCHANGE and APPLYTOPICRENAME/DENYTOPICRENAME. Setting ALLOWTOPICCHANGE or ALLOWTOPICRENAME to en empty value means the same as not defining it. Setting DENYTOPICCHANGE or DENYTOPICRENAME to an empty value means that anyone can edit or rename the topic.
ALERT! The setting to an empty has caused confusion and great debate and it has been decided that the empty setting syntax will be replaced by something which is easier to understand in the 4.2 version of TWiki. A method to upgrade will be provided. Please read the release notes carefully when you upgrade.
ALERT! If the same setting is defined multiple times the last one overrides the previous. They are not OR'ed together.

ALERT! The setting to an empty has caused confusion and great debate and it has been decided that the empty setting syntax will be replaced by something which is easier to understand in a later version of TWiki. A method to upgrade will be provided. Please read the release notes carefully when you upgrade.

  See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.
Line: 181 to 183
    • everyone else will be DENIED
  1. If you got this far, access is PERMITTED

Access control and INCLUDE

ALLOWTOPICVIEW and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE only applies to the topic in which the settings are defined. If a topic A includes another topic B, topic A does not inherit the access rights of the included topic B.

Examples: Topic A includes topic B

  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICCHANGE set to block editing for a user, it does not prevent editing the including topic A.
  • If the included topic B has ALLOWTOPICVIEW set to block view for a user, the user can still view topic A but he cannot see the included topic B. He will see a message No permission to view B

Access Control quick recipes

Obfuscating Webs

Line: 228 to 239

Hide Control Settings

TIP Tip: To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, you can put them into the topic-local settings. You can access those settings via the "More" screen, as explained in TWikiVariables.
TIP Tip: To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, you can put them into the topic preference settings by clicking the link Edit topic preference settings under More topic actions menu. Preferences set in this manner are not visible in the topic text, but take effect nevertheless. Access control settings added as topic preference settings are stored in the topic meta data and they override settings defined in the topic text.
  Alternatively, place them in HTML comment markers, but this exposes the access setting during ordinary editing.

Revision 352007-07-08 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Access Control


TWiki Access Control

  Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups
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  TIP Tip: TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement on TWiki.org has additional documentation on access control.

An Important Control Consideration

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  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focused.
  • In TWiki, content is transparently preserved under revision control:
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.
As a collaboration guideline:
  • Create broad-based Groups (for more and varied input), and...
Line: 43 to 43
 A user can create an account in TWikiRegistration. The following actions are performed:
  • WikiName and encrypted password are recorded using the password manager if authentication is enabled.
  • A confirmation e-mail is sent to the user.
  • A user home page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.
  • The user is added to the TWikiUsers topic.
  • A user home page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.
  • The user is added to the TWikiUsers topic.
The default visitor name is TWikiGuest. This is the non-authenticated user.
The default visitor name is TWikiGuest. This is the non-authenticated user.

Managing Groups

The following describes the standard TWiki support for groups. Your local TWiki may have an alternate group mapping manager installed. Check with your TWiki administrator if you are in doubt.

Groups are defined by group topics located in the Main web. To create a new group, visit TWikiGroups and enter the name of the new group ending in Group into the "new group" form field. This will create a new group topic with two important settings:
Groups are defined by group topics located in the Main web. To create a new group, visit TWikiGroups and enter the name of the new group ending in Group into the "new group" form field. This will create a new group topic with two important settings:
  • Set GROUP = < list of Users and/or Groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and/or Groups >

The GROUP setting is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:

  • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
  • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
  The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the KasabianGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.KasabianGroup
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.KasabianGroup
  ALERT! Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules. Make sure you have three spaces, an asterisk, and an extra space in front of any access control rule.
Line: 70 to 70
  A number of TWiki functions (for example, renaming webs) are only available to administrators. Administrators are simply users who belong to the SuperAdminGroup. This is a standard user group, the name of which is defined by {SuperAdminGroup} setting in configure. The default name of this group is the TWikiAdminGroup. The system administrator may have chosen a different name for this group if your local TWiki uses an alternate group mapping manager but for simplicity we will use the default name TWikiAdminGroup in the rest of this topic.
You can create new administrators simply by adding them to the TWikiAdminGroup topic. For example,
  • Set GROUP= Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair
You can create new administrators simply by adding them to the TWikiAdminGroup topic. For example,
  • Set GROUP = Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair
 A member of the Super Admin Group has unrestricted access throughout the TWiki, so only trusted staff should be added to this group.

Restricting Access

You can define who is allowed to read or write to a web or a topic. Note that some plugins may not respect access permissions.

  • Restricting VIEW blocks viewing and searching of content.
  • Restricting VIEW blocks viewing and searching of content. When you restric VIEW to a topic or web, this also restricts INCLUDE and Formatted SEARCH from showing the content of the topics.
  • Restricting CHANGE blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
  • Restricting RENAME prevents renaming of topics within a web.

Line: 99 to 99
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
If your site allows hierarchical webs, then access to sub-webs is determined from the access controls of the parent web, plus the access controls in the sub-web. So, if the parent web has ALLOWWEBVIEW set, this will also apply to the subweb.
If your site allows hierarchical webs, then access to sub-webs is determined from the access controls of the parent web, plus the access controls in the sub-web. So, if the parent web has ALLOWWEBVIEW set, this will also apply to the subweb. Also note that you will need to ensure that the parent web's FINALPREFERENCES does not include the access control settings listed above. Otherwise you will not be able override the parent web's access control settings in sub-webs.
  Creation and renaming of sub-webs is controlled by the WEBCHANGE setting on the parent web (or ROOTCHANGE for root webs). Renaming is additionally restricted by the setting of WEBRENAME in the web itself.
Note: If you restrict access to the Main, make sure to add the TWikiRegistrationAgent so that users can register. Example:
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiRegistrationAgent
 Note: For Web level access rights Setting any of these settings to an empty value has the same effect as not setting them at all. Please note that the documentation of TWiki 4.0 and earlier versions of TWiki 4.1 did not reflect the actual implementation, e.g. an empty ALLOWWEBVIEW does not prevent anyone from viewing the web, and an an empty DENYWEBVIEW does not allow all to view the web.

Controlling access to a Topic

Line: 152 to 155

Controlling who can manage top-level webs

Top level webs are a special case, because they don't have a parent web with a WebPreferences. So there has to be a special control just for the root level.

  • You can define these settings in the Main.%TWIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
  • You can define these settings in the Main.%TWIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Note that you do not require ROOTCHANGE access to rename an existing top-level web. You just need WEBCHANGE in the web itself.
Line: 189 to 192
  ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.

Restrict Access to Whole TWiki Site

For a firewalled TWiki, e.g. an intranet wiki or extranet wiki, you want to allow only invited people to access your TWiki. In this case, enable user authentication with ApacheLogin and lock down access to the whole twiki/bin and twiki/pub directories to all but valid users. In the Apache .htaccess file or the appropriate .conf file, replace the <FilesMatch "(attach|edit|... section with this:

<FilesMatch ".*">
       require valid-user

If needed, you can further restrict access to selected webs with ALLOWWEBVIEW and other access control settings.

Note: With this configuration, someone with access to the site needs to register new users.


Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs

Use the following setup to authenticate users for topic viewing in all webs and to restrict access to selected webs. Requires TWikiUserAuthentication to be enabled.

  1. Set require valid-user on your view script in .htaccess or the appropriate Apache .conf file. As of 4.x, this looks like: FilesMatch "(attach|edit|manage|rename|save|view|upload|mail|logon|.*auth).*" (normally view is not in that list).
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted if DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW are not defined.
  1. If you still want public users to be able to register automatically follow TWiki:TWiki.RegisterOnViewRestrictedSite.

Authenticate and Restrict Selected Webs Only

Line: 205 to 224
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted if DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW are not defined.

Hide Control Settings

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   * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup
   * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup

Revision 342007-03-02 - TWikiContributor

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  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focused.
  • In TWiki, content is transparently preserved under revision control:
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.
As a collaboration guideline:
  • Create broad-based Groups (for more and varied input), and...
Line: 51 to 51

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics located in the Main web, such as the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group, visit TWikiGroups and enter the name of the new group ending in Group into the "new group" form field. This will create a new group topic with two important settings:
The following describes the standard TWiki support for groups. Your local TWiki may have an alternate group mapping manager installed. Check with your TWiki administrator if you are in doubt.

Groups are defined by group topics located in the Main web. To create a new group, visit TWikiGroups and enter the name of the new group ending in Group into the "new group" form field. This will create a new group topic with two important settings:

  • Set GROUP = < list of Users and/or Groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and/or Groups >

The GROUP setting is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:

  • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the KasabianGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.KasabianGroup
  ALERT! Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules. Make sure you have three spaces, an asterisk, and an extra space in front of any access control rule.

The Super Admin Group

By mistyping a user or group name in the settings, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, add the WikiNames of registered administrators to the super admin group topic called TWikiAdminGroup. The name of this topic is defined by the {SuperAdminGroup} configure setting. Example group setting:
A number of TWiki functions (for example, renaming webs) are only available to administrators. Administrators are simply users who belong to the SuperAdminGroup. This is a standard user group, the name of which is defined by {SuperAdminGroup} setting in configure. The default name of this group is the TWikiAdminGroup. The system administrator may have chosen a different name for this group if your local TWiki uses an alternate group mapping manager but for simplicity we will use the default name TWikiAdminGroup in the rest of this topic.

You can create new administrators simply by adding them to the TWikiAdminGroup topic. For example,

  • Set GROUP= Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair
A member of the Super Admin Group has unrestricted access throughout the TWiki, so only trusted staff should be added to this group.

Restricting Access

Line: 75 to 80
  • Restricting VIEW blocks viewing and searching of content.
  • Restricting CHANGE blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
  • Restricting RENAME prevents renaming of topics within a web.

Note that there is an important distinction between CHANGE access and RENAME access. A user can CHANGE a topic, but thanks to version control their changes cannot be lost (the history of the topic before the change is recorded). However if a topic or web is renamed, that history may be lost. Typically a site will only give RENAME access to administrators and content owners.


Controlling access to a Web

Line: 88 to 96
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Be careful with empty values for any of these. In older versions of TWiki,
meant the same as not setting it at all. However since TWiki Dakar release, it means allow noone access i.e. prevent anyone from viewing the web. Similarly
now means do not deny anyone the right to view this web. See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on this.
If your site allows hierarchical webs, then access to sub-webs is determined from the access controls of the parent web, plus the access controls in the sub-web. So, if the parent web has ALLOWWEBVIEW set, this will also apply to the subweb.

Creation and renaming of sub-webs is controlled by the WEBCHANGE setting on the parent web (or ROOTCHANGE for root webs). Renaming is additionally restricted by the setting of WEBRENAME in the web itself.

Note: For Web level access rights Setting any of these settings to an empty value has the same effect as not setting them at all. Please note that the documentation of TWiki 4.0 and earlier versions of TWiki 4.1 did not reflect the actual implementation, e.g. an empty ALLOWWEBVIEW does not prevent anyone from viewing the web, and an an empty DENYWEBVIEW does not allow all to view the web.


Controlling access to a Topic

Line: 102 to 112
    • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
  Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.
Be careful with empty values for any of these. In older versions of TWiki,
meant the same as not setting it at all. However since TWiki Dakar release, it means allow no-one access i.e. prevent anyone from viewing the topic. Similarly
now means do not deny anyone the right to view this topic. See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on this.
Be careful with empty values for any of these.

    This means the same as not setting it at all. (This was documented wrong in versions 4.0.X, 4.1.0 and 4.1.1)

    Since TWiki 4.0 this means do not deny anyone the right to view this topic. If DENYTOPICVIEW is set to an empty value anyone has access even if ALLOWTOPICVIEW or ALLOWWEBVIEW is defined. This allows to have very restrictive default access rights to an entire web and still allow individual topics to have more open access.

The same rules apply to ALLOWTOPICCHANGE/DENYTOPICCHANGE and APPLYTOPICRENAME/DENYTOPICRENAME. Setting ALLOWTOPICCHANGE or ALLOWTOPICRENAME to en empty value means the same as not defining it. Setting DENYTOPICCHANGE or DENYTOPICRENAME to an empty value means that anyone can edit or rename the topic.

ALERT! The setting to an empty has caused confusion and great debate and it has been decided that the empty setting syntax will be replaced by something which is easier to understand in the 4.2 version of TWiki. A method to upgrade will be provided. Please read the release notes carefully when you upgrade.

See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on how ALLOW and DENY interacts.


Controlling access to Attachments

Line: 130 to 148
  Note: Images embedded in topics will load much slower since each image will be delivered by the viewfile script.

Controlling who can create top-level webs


Controlling who can manage top-level webs

 Top level webs are a special case, because they don't have a parent web with a WebPreferences. So there has to be a special control just for the root level.
  • You can define these settings in the Main.%TWIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Line: 139 to 159

How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings

When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW and CHANGE access may be granted/denied separately.
  1. If the user is a super-user
When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW, CHANGE and RENAME access may be granted/denied separately.

  1. If the user is an administrator
    • access is PERMITTED.
  1. If DENYTOPIC is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list will be DENIED.
  2. If DENYTOPIC is set to empty ( i.e. Set DENYTOPIC = )
    • access is PERMITTED i.e no-one is denied access to this topic
    • access is PERMITTED i.e no-one is denied access to this topic.
      ALERT! Attention: Use this with caution. This is deprecated and will likely change in the next release.
  1. If ALLOWTOPIC is set
    1. people in the list are PERMITTED
    2. everyone else is DENIED
      • Note that this means that setting ALLOWTOPIC to empty denies access to everyone except admins (unless DENYTOPIC is also set to empty, as described above)
  1. If DENYWEB is set to a list of wikiname
  1. If DENYWEB is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list are DENIED access
  1. If ALLOWWEB is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list will be PERMITTED
    • everyone else will be DENIED
      • Note that setting ALLOWWEB to empty denies access to everyone except admins
  1. If you got this far, access is PERMITTED

Access Control quick recipes

Revision 332006-10-13 - TWikiContributor

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Line: 66 to 66

The Super Admin Group

By mistyping a user or group name in the settings, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, add the WikiNames of registered administrators to the super admin group topic called TWikiAdminGroup. The name of this topic is defined by the {SuperAdminGroup} configure setting. Example group setting:
By mistyping a user or group name in the settings, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, add the WikiNames of registered administrators to the super admin group topic called TWikiAdminGroup. The name of this topic is defined by the {SuperAdminGroup} configure setting. Example group setting:
  • Set GROUP= Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair

Restricting Access

Line: 75 to 75
  • Restricting VIEW blocks viewing and searching of content.
  • Restricting CHANGE blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
  • Restricting RENAME controls who is allowed to rename, move or delete a topic.
    • To rename, move or delete a topic, the user also also needs VIEW and CHANGE permission. They also need CHANGE access to change references in any referring topics (though the rename can proceed without this access), and CHANGE access to the target topic.
  • Restricting MANAGE controls access to certain management functions, such as 'create web'. It must be set in the TWiki web.

Controlling access to a Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:
You can define restrictions on who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:
  • authenticating all webs and restricting selected webs: Topic access in all webs is authenticated, and selected webs have restricted access.
  • authenticating and restricting selected webs only: Provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication and restriction only on selected webs.
Line: 91 to 88
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
  Be careful with empty values for any of these. In older versions of TWiki,
Line: 102 to 97

Controlling access to a Topic

  • You can define these settings in the WebPreferences topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
  • You can define these settings in any topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYTOPICVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
  Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.
Line: 131 to 124
  RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/+twiki/+pub/+TWiki/+.+ RewriteRule ^/+twiki/+pub/+([^/]+)/+((([^/]+)/+)+)(.+) /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1/$4?filename=$5 [L,PT]
  That way all the controls that apply to the topic also apply to attachments to the topic. Other types of webserver have similar support.

Note: Images embedded in topics will load much slower since each image will be delivered by the viewfile script.


Controlling who can create top-level webs

Top level webs are a special case, because they don't have a parent web with a WebPreferences. So there has to be a special control just for the root level.
  • You can define these settings in the Main.%TWIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWROOTCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
Note that you do not require ROOTCHANGE access to rename an existing top-level web. You just need WEBCHANGE in the web itself.

How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings

When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW, CHANGE and RENAME access may be granted/denied separately.
When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW and CHANGE access may be granted/denied separately.
  1. If the user is a super-user
    • access is PERMITTED.
  2. If DENYTOPIC is set to a list of wikinames
Line: 189 to 189

Hide Control Settings

TIP Tip: To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in HTML comment markers.
TIP Tip: To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, you can put them into the topic-local settings. You can access those settings via the "More" screen, as explained in TWikiVariables.

Alternatively, place them in HTML comment markers, but this exposes the access setting during ordinary editing.


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  Alias /twiki/pub/ /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^/twiki/pub/TWiki/(.*)$ /twiki/pub/TWiki/$1 [L,PT] RewriteRule ^/twiki/pub/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)$ /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1/$2?filename=$3 [L,PT]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/+twiki/+pub/+TWiki/+.+ RewriteRule ^/+twiki/+pub/+([^/]+)/+((([^/]+)/+)+)(.+) /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1/$4?filename=$5 [L,PT] </verbatim
  That way all the controls that apply to the topic also apply to attachments to the topic. Other types of webserver have similar support.

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  TIP Tip: TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement on TWiki.org has additional documentation on access control.

An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with great care - the more restrictions, the less Wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

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  This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment, or to hide view access restricted webs.
ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.
ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.

Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs

Line: 176 to 177
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

Authenticate and Restrict Selected Webs Only

Line: 187 to 186
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

Hide Control Settings

Revision 302005-11-11 - TWikiContributor

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  Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups
TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user Groups, in three areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. Access control, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, lets you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.
TWiki Access Control allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user Groups. Access control, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, lets you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration

TIP Tip: TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement on TWiki.org has additional documentation on access control.
Open, freeform editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care - the more restrictions, the less Wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with great care - the more restrictions, the less Wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focused.
  • In TWiki, content is transparently preserved under revision control:
    • Edits can be undone by the TWikiAdminGroup (the default administrators group; see #ManagingGroups).
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.
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  • Create broad-based Groups (for more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only Users (if you can read it, you should be able to contribute to it).

Permissions settings of the webs on this TWiki site

Preferences Home TWiki on       TWikiAdminGroup   TWikiAdminGroup
Preferences Home Public on            
Preferences Home Sandbox on            

Please Note:

  • A blank in the the above table may mean either the corresponding control is absent or commented out or that it has been set to a null value. The two conditions have dramatically different and possibly opposed semantics.
  • TWikiGuest is the guest account - used by unauthenticated users.
  • The TWiki web must not deny view to TWikiGuest; otherwise, people will not be able to register.

Note: Above table comes from SitePermissions


Authentication vs. Access Control

Authentication: Identifies who a user is based on a login procedure. See TWikiUserAuthentication.

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Managing Users

A user can create an account in TWikiRegistration. The following actions are performed:

  • WikiName and encrypted password are recorded in .htpasswd if authentication is enabled.
  • WikiName and encrypted password are recorded using the password manager if authentication is enabled.
  • A confirmation e-mail is sent to the user.
  • A user home page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.
  • The user is added to the TWikiUsers topic.
Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication (htaccess) or SSL (secure server). In either case, TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities, and use User and Group access control.
 The default visitor name is TWikiGuest. This is the non-authenticated user.

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics created in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group:
  1. Edit TWikiGroups by entering a new topic with a name that ends in Group. Example:
    • SomeGroup
  2. Set Preferences for two Variables in the new group topic:
Groups are defined by group topics located in the Main web, such as the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group, visit TWikiGroups and enter the name of the new group ending in Group into the "new group" form field. This will create a new group topic with two important settings:
    • Set GROUP = < list of Users and/or Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and/or Groups >
    • The GROUP variable is a comma-separated list of Users and/or other Groups. Example:
      • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
    • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. (This prevents Users not in the Group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup

Restricting Write Access

You can define who is allowed to make changes to a web or a topic.

Deny Editing by Topic

Denying editing of a topic also restricts file attachment; both privileges are assigned together.

  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines Users or Groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic, with a comma-delimited list. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines Users or Groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Deny Editing by Web

Restricting web-level editing blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
The GROUP setting is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:
  • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
  • Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
The ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
The same rules apply as for restricting topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
ALERT! Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules. Make sure you have three spaces, an asterisk, and an extra space in front of any access control rule.

Restricting Rename Access


The Super Admin Group

You can define who is allowed to rename, move or delete a topic, or rename a web.
By mistyping a user or group name in the settings, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, add the WikiNames of registered administrators to the super admin group topic called TWikiAdminGroup. The name of this topic is defined by the {SuperAdminGroup} configure setting. Example group setting:
  • Set GROUP= Main.ElizabethWindsor, Main.TonyBlair

Deny Renaming by Topic


Restricting Access

To allow a user to rename, move or delete a topic, they also need write (editing) permission. They also need write access to change references in referring topics.
You can define who is allowed to read or write to a web or a topic. Note that some plugins may not respect access permissions.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
  • Restricting VIEW blocks viewing and searching of content.
  • Restricting CHANGE blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
  • Restricting RENAME controls who is allowed to rename, move or delete a topic.
    • To rename, move or delete a topic, the user also also needs VIEW and CHANGE permission. They also need CHANGE access to change references in any referring topics (though the rename can proceed without this access), and CHANGE access to the target topic.
  • Restricting MANAGE controls access to certain management functions, such as 'create web'. It must be set in the TWiki web.
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines Users or Groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

Controlling access to a Web

  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines Users or Groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:
  • DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.
  • authenticating all webs and restricting selected webs: Topic access in all webs is authenticated, and selected webs have restricted access.
  • authenticating and restricting selected webs only: Provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication and restriction only on selected webs.

Deny Renaming by Web

  • You can define these settings in the WebPreferences topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >

Be careful with empty values for any of these. In older versions of TWiki,

meant the same as not setting it at all. However since TWiki Dakar release, it means allow noone access i.e. prevent anyone from viewing the web. Similarly
now means do not deny anyone the right to view this web. See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on this.

Controlling access to a Topic

  • You can define these settings in the WebPreferences topic, preferable towards the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYTOPICVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < comma-delimited list of Users and Groups >

Remember when opening up access to specific topics within a restricted web that other topics in the web - for example, the WebLeftBar - may also be accessed when viewing the topics. The message you get when you are denied access should tell you what topic you were not permitted to access.

Be careful with empty values for any of these. In older versions of TWiki,

meant the same as not setting it at all. However since TWiki Dakar release, it means allow no-one access i.e. prevent anyone from viewing the topic. Similarly
now means do not deny anyone the right to view this topic. See "How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings" below for more on this.
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a TWiki web.

Controlling access to Attachments

  • Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
Attachments are referred to directly, and are not normally indirected via TWiki scripts. This means that the above instructions for access control will not apply to attachments. It is possible that someone may inadvertently publicise a URL that they expected to be access-controlled.
The same rules apply as for topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
The easiest way to apply the same access control rules for attachments as apply to topics is to use the Apache mod_rewrite module, and configure your webserver to redirect accesses to attachments to the TWiki viewfile script. For example,

Restricting Read Access

  ScriptAlias /twiki/bin/ /filesystem/path/to/twiki/bin/
  Alias /twiki/pub/       /filesystem/path/to/twiki/pub/
You can define who is allowed to see a web.
RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/twiki/pub/TWiki/(.*)$ /twiki/pub/TWiki/$1 [L,PT] RewriteRule ^/twiki/pub/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)$ /twiki/bin/viewfile/$1/$2?filename=$3 [L,PT]

Deny Viewing by Topic

That way all the controls that apply to the topic also apply to attachments to the topic. Other types of webserver have similar support.
ALERT! Technically it is possible to restrict read access to an individual topic based on DENYTOPICVIEW / ALLOWTOPICVIEW preferences variables, provided that the view script is authenticated. However this setup is not recommended since all content is searchable within a web - a search will turn up view restricted topics.
Note: Images embedded in topics will load much slower since each image will be delivered by the viewfile script.

Deny Viewing by Web


How TWiki evaluates ALLOW/DENY settings

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:
When deciding whether to grant access, TWiki evaluates the following rules in order (read from the top of the list; if the logic arrives at PERMITTED or DENIED that applies immediately and no more rules are applied). You need to read the rules bearing in mind that VIEW, CHANGE and RENAME access may be granted/denied separately.
  1. If the user is a super-user
    • access is PERMITTED.
  2. If DENYTOPIC is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list will be DENIED.
  3. If DENYTOPIC is set to empty ( i.e. Set DENYTOPIC = )
    • access is PERMITTED i.e no-one is denied access to this topic
  4. If ALLOWTOPIC is set
    1. people in the list are PERMITTED
    2. everyone else is DENIED
      • Note that this means that setting ALLOWTOPIC to empty denies access to everyone except admins (unless DENYTOPIC is also set to empty, as described above)
  5. If DENYWEB is set to a list of wikiname
    • people in the list are DENIED access
  6. If ALLOWWEB is set to a list of wikinames
    • people in the list will be PERMITTED
    • everyone else will be DENIED
      • Note that setting ALLOWWEB to empty denies access to everyone except admins
  7. If you got this far, access is PERMITTED
  • obfuscating webs: Insecure but handy method to hide new webs until content is ready for deployment.
  • authenticating all webs and restricting selected webs: Topic access in all webs is authenticated, and selected webs have restricted access.
  • authenticating and restricting selected webs only: Provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication and restriction only on selected webs.

Access Control quick recipes


Obfuscate Webs


Obfuscating Webs

The idea is to keep a web hidden by not publishing its URL and by preventing the all webs search option from accessing obfuscated webs. Do so by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
Another way of hiding webs is to keep them hidden by not publishing the URL and by preventing the all webs search option from accessing obfuscated webs. Do so by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment.
This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment, or to hide view access restricted webs.
ALERT! Obfuscating webs is insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.
ALERT! Note: Obfuscating a web without view access control is very insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.

Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs


Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs

Use the following setup to authenticate users for topic viewing in all webs and to restrict access to selected webs:
Use the following setup to authenticate users for topic viewing in all webs and to restrict access to selected webs. Requires TWikiUserAuthentication to be enabled.
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
Line: 160 to 178
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  1. Add view to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.

HELP This method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all Users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.


Authenticate and Restricting Selected Webs Only


Authenticate and Restrict Selected Webs Only

Use the following setup to provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication only on selected webs:
Use the following setup to provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication only on selected webs. Requires TWikiUserAuthentication to be enabled.
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
Line: 174 to 189
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
  2. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
  3. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file. The view script should not be listed in the .htaccess file.
When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.

Hide Control Settings

ALERT! Authenticating webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content.
TIP Tip: To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in HTML comment markers.

Hiding Control Settings

TIP To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in comment markers.

<style="background-color:#f5f5f5"> <!--
   * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup

The SuperAdminGroup

By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, you can create Web-based superusers:

  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of Users who are always allowed to edit/view topics.
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
   * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 04 May 2002
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 May 2002

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiUserAuthentication, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControlSupplement

-- Contributors: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.MikeMannix, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie

Revision 282003-04-14 - PeterThoeny

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  • Create broad-based Groups (for more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only Users (if you can read it, you should be able to contribute to it).

Authentication vs. Access Control

Authentication: Identifies who a user is based on a login procedure. See TWikiUserAuthentication.

Access control: Restrict access to content based on users and groups once a user is identified.


Users and Groups

Access control is based on the familiar concept of Users and Groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames. They can then be organized in unlimited combinations by inclusion in one or more user Groups. For convenience, Groups can also be included in other Groups.

Revision 272002-12-29 - PeterThoeny

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Managing Users

A user is created with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
A user can create an account in TWikiRegistration. The following actions are performed:
  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication (htaccess) or SSL (secure server). In either case, TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities, and use User and Group access control.
  • WikiName and encrypted password are recorded in .htpasswd if authentication is enabled.
  • A confirmation e-mail is sent to the user.
  • A user home page with the WikiName of the user is created in the Main web.
  • The user is added to the TWikiUsers topic.

Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication (htaccess) or SSL (secure server). In either case, TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities, and use User and Group access control.

The default visitor name is TWikiGuest. This is the non-authenticated user.


Managing Groups

Revision 262002-05-29 - PeterThoeny

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Line: 144 to 144
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  2. Add view to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
Line: 157 to 158
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Note: DENYWEBVIEW is evaluated before ALLOWWEBVIEW. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYWEBVIEW list, or not in the ALLOWWEBVIEW list. Access is granted in case DENYWEBVIEW and ALLOWWEBVIEW is not defined.
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  2. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
Line: 170 to 172

Hiding Control Settings

  • TIP To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in comment markers.
  • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup
TIP To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in comment markers.

<style="background-color:#f5f5f5"> <!--
   * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup


The SuperAdminGroup

Revision 252002-05-29 - PeterThoeny

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Line: 112 to 112
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Restricting Web Access


Restricting Read Access

You can prevent selected Users and Groups from accessing certain webs, by hiding them using restricting read access, or by requiring login. There are two basic methods, one simple, using standard preferences variables to hide a web, but offering low security, and a secure log-in approach that is currently a workaround, involving some minor script and filesystem modification.
You can define who is allowed to see a web.

Create Hidden Webs


Deny Viewing by Topic

You can prevent selected Users and Groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:
ALERT! Technically it is possible to restrict read access to an individual topic based on DENYTOPICVIEW / ALLOWTOPICVIEW preferences variables, provided that the view script is authenticated. However this setup is not recommended since all content is searchable within a web - a search will turn up view restricted topics.

Deny Viewing by Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web. You can restrict access to certain webs to selected Users and Groups, by:

  • obfuscating webs: Insecure but handy method to hide new webs until content is ready for deployment.
  • authenticating all webs and restricting selected webs: Topic access in all webs is authenticated, and selected webs have restricted access.
  • authenticating and restricting selected webs only: Provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication and restriction only on selected webs.

Obfuscate Webs

The idea is to keep a web hidden by not publishing its URL and by preventing the all webs search option from accessing obfuscated webs. Do so by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:

  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

This setup can be useful to hide a new web until content its ready for deployment.

ALERT! Obfuscating webs is insecure, as anyone who knows the URL can access the web.

Authenticate all Webs and Restrict Selected Webs

Use the following setup to authenticate users for topic viewing in all webs and to restrict access to selected webs:

  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
TIP If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you can prevent the all webs search option from accessing hidden webs, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
  1. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
    • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all Users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
  1. Add view to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
ALERT! Hiding webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content. (See the next section for a more secure approach.)
HELP This method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all Users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.

Create Authenticated Access By Web


Authenticate and Restricting Selected Webs Only

  Use the following setup to provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication only on selected webs:
  1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
  1. Restrict view access to selected Users and Groups. Set one or both of these variables in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
  2. Hide the web from an "all webs" search. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences topic:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
  2. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
  1. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
  1. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file. The view script should not be listed in the .htaccess file.

When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.

ALERT! Authenticating webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content.

  • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web - a search will turn up the "hidden" topic.

Hiding Control Settings

Revision 242002-05-12 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups
Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by Users and groups
TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.
TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user Groups, in three areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. Access control, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, lets you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of the WikiCulture - it's what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. So, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
Open, freeform editing is the essence of WikiCulture - what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care - the more restrictions, the less Wiki in the mix. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - the ability to rearrange anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • Peer editing - the ability for anyone to rearrange all content on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • All content is preserved under revision control.
  • In TWiki, content is transparently preserved under revision control:
    • Edits can be undone by the TWikiAdminGroup (the default administrators group; see #ManagingGroups).
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.
As a collaboration guideline:
As a collaboration guideline:
  • Create broad groups (more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only users (if you can read it, you can contribute to it).
  • Create broad-based Groups (for more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only Users (if you can read it, you should be able to contribute to it).

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames, an then organized in unlimited combinations under different user groups.
Access control is based on the familiar concept of Users and Groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames. They can then be organized in unlimited combinations by inclusion in one or more user Groups. For convenience, Groups can also be included in other Groups.

Managing Users

A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
A user is created with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication or SSL. TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities.
  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication (htaccess) or SSL (secure server). In either case, TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities, and use User and Group access control.

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group:
  1. Start in TWikiGroups and create a new topic with a name that ends in Group. Example:
Groups are defined by group topics created in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group:
  1. Edit TWikiGroups by entering a new topic with a name that ends in Group. Example:
    • SomeGroup
  1. Define two variables in the group topic:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and/or groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and/or groups >

  • A variables is defined as a bullet of format Set NAME = value. A bullet line starts with a multiple of three spaces, an asterisk, and a space.
  • The GROUP variable is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:
    • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.) For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
  1. Set Preferences for two Variables in the new group topic:
    • Set GROUP = < list of Users and/or Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and/or Groups >
    • The GROUP variable is a comma-separated list of Users and/or other Groups. Example:
      • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeGroup
    • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. (This prevents Users not in the Group from editing the topic to give themselves or others access. For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup

Restricting Write Access

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  Denying editing of a topic also restricts file attachment; both privileges are assigned together.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines Users or Groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic, with a comma-delimited list. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines Users or Groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.
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 Restricting web-level editing blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.

    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of Users and Groups >
  The same rules apply as for restricting topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
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 To allow a user to rename, move or delete a topic, they also need write (editing) permission. They also need write access to change references in referring topics.

  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines Users or Groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines Users or Groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of Users and Groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

  • DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.
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 You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a TWiki web.

    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of Users and Groups >
  The same rules apply as for topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
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Restricting Web Access

You can prevent selected users and groups from accessing certain webs, by hiding them using restricting read access, or by requiring login. There are two basic methods, one simple, using standard preferences variables to hide a web, but offering low security, and a secure log-in approach that is currently a workaround, involving some minor script and filesystem modification.
You can prevent selected Users and Groups from accessing certain webs, by hiding them using restricting read access, or by requiring login. There are two basic methods, one simple, using standard preferences variables to hide a web, but offering low security, and a secure log-in approach that is currently a workaround, involving some minor script and filesystem modification.

Create Hidden Webs

You can prevent selected users and groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
You can prevent selected Users and Groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of Users and Groups >
  TIP If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you can prevent the all webs search option from accessing hidden webs, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
    • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
    • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all Users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
  ALERT! Hiding webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content. (See the next section for a more secure approach.)
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  • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web - a search will turn up the "hidden" topic.

Hiding Control Settings

  • TIP To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in comment markers.
  • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGroup
Line: 157 to 155

The SuperAdminGroup

By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, you can create Web-based superusers:

  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users who are always allowed to edit/view topics.
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of Users who are always allowed to edit/view topics.
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
Line: 165 to 163
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- MikeMannix - 01 Apr 2002
-- PeterThoeny - 04 May 2002
-- PeterThoeny - 04 May 2002
-- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002

Revision 232002-05-04 - PeterThoeny

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  • Peer editing - the ability to rearrange anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.

  • All content is preserved under revision control.
    • Edits can be undone by the TWikiAdminGroup (the default administrators group; see #ManagingGroups).
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.

As a collaboration guideline:

Line: 38 to 38

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To start a new group:
  1. Create a new topic with A name that ends in Group, SomeGroup
  2. Define two variables:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >

  • GROUP is a comma-separated list of users and of other groups:
        Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup

  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic,
        Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)
Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To create a new group:
  1. Start in TWikiGroups and create a new topic with a name that ends in Group. Example:
    • SomeGroup
  2. Define two variables in the group topic:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and/or groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and/or groups >

  • A variables is defined as a bullet of format Set NAME = value. A bullet line starts with a multiple of three spaces, an asterisk, and a space.
  • The GROUP variable is a comma-separated list of users and/or other groups. Example:
    • Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.) For example, for the TWikiAdminGroup topic write:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup

Restricting Write Access

Line: 59 to 59
  Denying editing of a topic also restricts file attachment; both privileges are assigned together.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.
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 Restricting web-level editing blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.

    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  The same rules apply as for restricting topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Line: 89 to 91
 To allow a user to rename, move or delete a topic, they also need write (editing) permission. They also need write access to change references in referring topics.

  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.
Line: 103 to 107
 You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a TWiki web.

    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  The same rules apply as for topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
Line: 117 to 121

Create Hidden Webs

You can prevent selected users and groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:

  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  TIP If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you can prevent the all webs search option from accessing hidden webs, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
    • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
Line: 129 to 133

Create Authenticated Access By Web

ALERT! THIS SECTION CONTAINS WORKAROUNDS. Perhaps unconventional for official documentation, but practical, the following method for extending TWiki functionality involves modifying core TWiki, making it essentially not a feature but a hack. Still, it is officially TWiki developer-approved and documented, and will no doubt be included in some form in an upcoming edition of TWiki.

To selectively restrict web access with the security of Basic Authentication, there is a reliable workaround that involves some straightforward code modification:

  1. Set aside the view script (rename) and create a view subdirectory in its place.
  2. In the view subdirectory, create a separate copy of a modified viewing script for each web, and create .htaccess settings for the restricted webs.
    • TIP You can use symbolic links to a single copy of the viewing script to make any script updates that much easier.

Example of viewing script redirect
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

chdir '..';

# Adjust SCRIPT and PATH_INFO variables to account for the changed directory
my $web = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
$web    =~ s#^.*/view(/[^/]*).*$#$1#; # isolate the path element after "view"
$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} =~ s#(/[^/]*)$#$web$1#;
$ENV{PATH_INFO}       =~ s#(/[^/]*)$#$web$1#;
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}     =~ s#/view$web#/view#;
$ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} =~ s#/view$web#/view#;

# open (LOG, '>>/tmp/redirect.log');
# print LOG join ("\n", scalar localtime (time ()), %ENV);
# close LOG;
exec ('/usr/bin/perl', '-wT', 'view.orig') or

print <<EOF;
Content-type: text/plain

Error executing /cgi-bin/view.orig: $?
Click the BACK button in your browser and contact webmaster\@bcs-oops.org.


A SECOND OPTION: A less reliable workaround that doesn't involve code changes, but does require renaming a script, can provide the same generally unrestricted viewing access, with authentication only on selected webs:

Use the following setup to provide unrestricted viewing access to open webs, with authentication only on selected webs:
  1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
  2. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
  3. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
  4. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
    • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
      • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.

Hiding Control Settings

Line: 199 to 165
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- MikeMannix - 01 Apr 2002
-- MikeMannix - 01 Apr 2002
-- PeterThoeny - 04 May 2002

Revision 222002-04-02 - MikeMannix

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Line: 57 to 57

Deny Editing by Topic

Denying editing of a topic also restricts attaching files to it; both privileges are assigned together.
Denying editing of a topic also restricts file attachment; both privileges are assigned together.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
    • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
Line: 119 to 119
 You can prevent selected users and groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you should also prevent the "all webs" search option from accessing each hidden web, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
TIP If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you can prevent the all webs search option from accessing hidden webs, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
  • ALERT! Hiding webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content.
    • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login to a common account with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.

ALERT! Hiding webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content. (See the next section for a more secure approach.)


Create Authenticated Access By Web

To selectively restrict web access with the security of Basic Authentication, there is a reliable workaround that involves some straightforward code modification:
ALERT! THIS SECTION CONTAINS WORKAROUNDS. Perhaps unconventional for official documentation, but practical, the following method for extending TWiki functionality involves modifying core TWiki, making it essentially not a feature but a hack. Still, it is officially TWiki developer-approved and documented, and will no doubt be included in some form in an upcoming edition of TWiki.

To selectively restrict web access with the security of Basic Authentication, there is a reliable workaround that involves some straightforward code modification:

  1. Set aside the view script (rename) and create a view subdirectory in its place.
  2. In the view subdirectory, create a separate copy of a modified viewing script for each web, and create .htaccess settings for the restricted webs.
    • TIP You can use symbolic links to a single copy of the viewing script to make any script updates that much easier.
 Example of viewing script redirect
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Line: 162 to 166
A SECOND OPTION: A less reliable workaround that also requires code changes is available to provide the same unrestricted viewing access, with authentication required only on selected webs:
A SECOND OPTION: A less reliable workaround that doesn't involve code changes, but does require renaming a script, can provide the same generally unrestricted viewing access, with authentication only on selected webs:
  1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
  1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user. 1. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link) 1. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
  1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
  2. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
  3. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
    • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
      • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
Line: 184 to 190

The SuperAdminGroup

By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that it no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.
By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this, you can create Web-based superusers:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users who are always allowed to edit/view topics.
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
Line: 193 to 199
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- MikeMannix - 20 Mar 2002
-- MikeMannix - 01 Apr 2002

Revision 212002-03-20 - MikeMannix

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  Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups


 TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration

Line: 29 to 27

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames, an then organized into unlimited combinations under different user groups.
Access control is based on users and groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames, an then organized in unlimited combinations under different user groups.

Managing Users

Line: 112 to 110
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Restricting Read Access


Restricting Web Access

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
You can prevent selected users and groups from accessing certain webs, by hiding them using restricting read access, or by requiring login. There are two basic methods, one simple, using standard preferences variables to hide a web, but offering low security, and a secure log-in approach that is currently a workaround, involving some minor script and filesystem modification.

Create Hidden Webs

You can prevent selected users and groups from viewing certain TWiki webs by setting one or both of these variables in each web's WebPreferences topic:

    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • If keeping a hidden web out of general use is a consideration, you should also prevent the "all webs" search option from accessing each hidden web, by enabling the NOSEARCHALL variable in WebPreferences:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
    • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • HELPThis method only works if the view script is authenticated, which means that all users have to login, even for read-only access. (An open guest account, like TWikiGuest, can get around this, allowing anyone to login with, for example, view-only access for public webs.) TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication, using the .htaccess file.
  • ALERT! Hiding webs is not very secure, as there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction. It can be useful in certain situations - for example, to simplify site organization and clutter, by hiding low traffic webs - but is not recommended for securing sensitive content.

Create Authenticated Access By Web


Known Issues

To selectively restrict web access with the security of Basic Authentication, there is a reliable workaround that involves some straightforward code modification:
  1. Set aside the view script (rename) and create a view subdirectory in its place.
  2. In the view subdirectory, create a separate copy of a modified viewing script for each web, and create .htaccess settings for the restricted webs.
    • TIP You can use symbolic links to a single copy of the viewing script to make any script updates that much easier.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication based on the .htaccess file.
Example of viewing script redirect
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

Selective Unrestricted Web Access

chdir '..';

# Adjust SCRIPT and PATH_INFO variables to account for the changed directory my $web = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; $web =~ s#^.*/view(/[^/]*).*$#$1#; # isolate the path element after "view" $ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} =~ s#(/[^/]*)$#$web$1#; $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ s#(/[^/]*)$#$web$1#; $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} =~ s#/view$web#/view#; $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} =~ s#/view$web#/view#;

# open (LOG, '>>/tmp/redirect.log'); # print LOG join ("\n", scalar localtime (time ()), %ENV); # close LOG; exec ('/usr/bin/perl', '-wT', 'view.orig') or

print <<EOF; Content-type: text/plain

Error executing /cgi-bin/view.orig: $? Click the BACK button in your browser and contact webmaster\@bcs-oops.org.


  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
A SECOND OPTION: A less reliable workaround that also requires code changes is available to provide the same unrestricted viewing access, with authentication required only on selected webs:
    1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
    1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    2. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    3. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
  1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user. 1. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link) 1. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
      • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
      • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
        • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
Line: 158 to 193
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- MikeMannix - 02 Dec 2001
-- MikeMannix - 20 Mar 2002

Revision 202001-12-02 - MikeMannix

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Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To start a new group:

  1. Create a new topic with A name that ends in Group, SomeGroup
  1. Create a new topic with A name that ends in Group, SomeGroup
  1. Define two variables:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
    • GROUP is a comma-separated list of users and of other groups:
          * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • GROUP is a comma-separated list of users and of other groups:
        Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
    • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic,
          * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
      for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic,
        Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Restricting Write Access

Line: 135 to 137
        • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
      • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.

Hiding Control Settings

  • TIP To hide access control settings from normal browser viewing, place them in comment markers.

The SuperAdminGroup

Line: 147 to 158
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001
-- MikeMannix - 02 Dec 2001

Revision 192001-09-16 - MikeMannix

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Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote

Line: 142 to 140
  By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that it no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001

Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups

-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001

Revision 182001-09-14 - PeterThoeny

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Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote

Line: 10 to 10


TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.
TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of the WikiCulture - it's what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. So, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
Open, freeform editing is the essence of the WikiCulture - it's what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. So, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.

  • Peer editing - the ability to rearrange anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.

  • All content is preserved under revision control.
    • Edits can be undone by the TWikiAdminGroup (the default administrators group; see #ManagingGroups).
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.

As a collaboration guideline:

Line: 35 to 35

Managing Users

A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication or SSL. Authentication is required in order to track user identities.
  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication or SSL. TWikiUserAuthentication is required in order to track user identities.

Managing Groups

Line: 123 to 123

Known Issues

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation Guide has more on Basic Authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWikiInstallationGuide has more on Basic Authentication based on the .htaccess file.

Selective Unrestricted Web Access

  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
    1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/wikicfg.pm as described in User Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    1. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/TWiki.cfg as described in TWikiUserAuthentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    1. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    2. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
      • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.

Revision 162001-09-07 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Access Control


TWiki Access Control

  Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups




  TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration


An Important Control Consideration

  Open, freeform editing is the essence of the WikiCulture - it's what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. So, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
Line: 27 to 27
  • Create broad groups (more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only users (if you can read it, you can contribute to it).

Users and Groups


Users and Groups

  Access control is based on users and groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames, an then organized into unlimited combinations under different user groups.

Managing Users


Managing Users

  A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.

  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication or SSL. Authentication is required in order to track user identities.


Managing Groups


Managing Groups

  Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To start a new group:
  1. Create a new topic with A name that ends in Group, SomeGroup
Line: 51 to 51
    • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic,
          * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
      for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Restricting Write Access


Restricting Write Access

  You can define who is allowed to make changes to a web or a topic.

Deny Editing by Topic


Deny Editing by Topic

  Denying editing of a topic also restricts attaching files to it; both privileges are assigned together.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
Line: 68 to 68
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Deny Editing by Web


Deny Editing by Web

  Restricting web-level editing blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Line: 80 to 80
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Restricting Rename Access


Restricting Rename Access

  You can define who is allowed to rename, move or delete a topic, or rename a web.

Deny Renaming by Topic


Deny Renaming by Topic

  To allow a user to rename, move or delete a topic, they also need write (editing) permission. They also need write access to change references in referring topics.
Line: 98 to 98
  • DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Deny Renaming by Web


Deny Renaming by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a TWiki web.
Line: 110 to 110
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Restricting Read Access


Restricting Read Access

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
Line: 118 to 118
    • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Known Issues


Known Issues

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation Guide has more on Basic Authentication based on the .htaccess file.
Selective Unrestricted Web Access

Selective Unrestricted Web Access

  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
Line: 136 to 136
      • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.


The SuperAdminGroup


The SuperAdminGroup

  By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that it no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.

Revision 152001-09-07 - MikeMannix

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TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.
TWikiAccessControl allows you restrict access to single topics and entire webs, by individual user and by user groups, in three main areas: view; edit & attach; and rename/move/delete. These controls, combined with TWikiUserAuthentication, let you easily create and manage an extremely flexible, fine-grained privilege system.

An Important Control Consideration

Open, freeform editing is the essence of the WikiCulture - it's what makes TWiki different and often more effective than other collaboration tools. So, it is strongly recommended that decisions to restrict read or write access to a web or a topic are made with care. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting read or write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - edit anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • Peer editing - the ability to rearrange anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • All content is preserved under revision control.
    • Editing and refactoring (condensing a long topic) is encouraged (there's a safety net).
    • Users are encouraged to edit and refactor (condense a long topic), since there's a safety net.

As a collaboration guideline:

  • Create broad groups (more and varied input), and...
  • Avoid creating view-only users (if you can read it, you can contribute to it).

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups.
Access control is based on users and groups. Users are defined by their WikiNames, an then organized into unlimited combinations under different user groups.

Managing Users

A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.
A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.

  • Users can be authenticated using Basic Authentication or SSL. Authentication is required in order to track user identities.

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup.
  • A group topic name must end in _Group
  • The group topic should define these two variables:
Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup. To start a new group:
  1. Create a new topic with A name that ends in Group, SomeGroup
  2. Define two variables:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • GROUP defines the members of the group; it is a comma delimited list of users and other groups. Example:
        * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)
    • GROUP is a comma-separated list of users and of other groups:
          * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup

    • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic,
          * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
      for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This prevents users not in the group from editing the topic and from gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Restricting Write Access


Deny Editing by Topic

You can define who is allowed to make changes to a web or a topic.
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.

Deny Editing by Topic

Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
Denying editing of a topic also restricts attaching files to it; both privileges are assigned together.
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the page:
  • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Deny Editing by Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Restricting web-level editing blocks creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:
The same rules apply as for restricting topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Restricting Rename Access

You can define who is allowed to rename, move or delete a topic, or rename a web.

Deny Renaming by Topic

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a topic. Note that users need this permission in addition to the CHANGE permission in order to rename a topic. They also need CHANGE access to change references in referring topics.
To allow a user to rename, move or delete a topic, they also need write (editing) permission. They also need write access to change references in referring topics.
Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
  • Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
  • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
  • DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup
ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
        * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup
DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.
  • DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Deny Renaming by Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to do renames for a TWiki web.
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a TWiki web.
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:
The same rules apply as for topics, with these additions:
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
Line: 101 to 114
  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
Line: 113 to 126
Selective Unrestricted Web Access

  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    • Leave the view script non-authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/wikicfg.pm as described in User Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    1. Omit the view script from the .htaccess file.
    2. Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/wikicfg.pm as described in User Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    3. Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    4. Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
Line: 125 to 138

The SuperAdminGroup

The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug for more detail). To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.
By mistyping a user or group name in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting, it's possible to lock a topic so that it no-one can edit it from a browser. To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.

-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001

Revision 142001-09-05 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1
Line: 122 to 122
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.

The SuperAdminGroup

The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug for more detail). To avoid this:

Revision 132001-09-04 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Access Control

Restricting read and write access to topics and webs, by users and groups


 TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting read or write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

  • There is enough peer pressure to post only conform content.
  • Content does not get lost because topics are under revision control.
  • A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup in case needed.
  • Peer influence is enough to ensure that only relevant content is posted.
  • Peer editing - edit anything on a page - keeps topics focussed.
  • All content is preserved under revision control.
    • Edits can be undone by the TWikiAdminGroup (the default administrators group; see Managing Groups).
    • Editing and refactoring (condensing a long topic) is encouraged (there's a safety net).

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups.

Users are defined by the user topics in the Main web, i.e. TWikiGuest
  • Users can be authenticated using basic authentication or SSL. Installation Notes has more.

Managing Users

A user is created by with the TWikiRegistration form. The process generates a topic in the Main web in the new user's WikiName. The default visitor name is TWikiGuest.

Managing Groups

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, i.e. TWikiAdminGroup
  • A group topic name must end in ...Group
Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, like the TWikiAdminGroup.
  • A group topic name must end in _Group
  • The group topic should define these two variables:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • GROUP defines the members of the group; it is a comma delimited list of users and other groups. Example:
        * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • GROUP defines the members of the group; it is a comma delimited list of users and other groups. Example:
        * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Restricting Write Access


Write Access Restriction by Topic


Deny Editing by Topic

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.
Line: 42 to 55
  DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Write Access Restriction by Web


Deny Editing by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Line: 54 to 67
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Rename Access Restriction by Topic


Restricting Rename Access

Deny Renaming by Topic

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a topic. Note that users need this permission in addition to the CHANGE permission in order to rename a topic. They also need CHANGE access to change references in referring topics.
Line: 68 to 85
  DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Rename Access Restriction by Web


Deny Renaming by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to do renames for a TWiki web.
Line: 80 to 97
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Read Access Restriction by Web


Restricting Read Access

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
Line: 88 to 105
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Read Restriction Known Issues


Known Issues

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation has more on basic authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation Guide has more on Basic Authentication based on the .htaccess file.

Selective Unrestricted Web Access
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in wikicfg.pm as described in TWiki Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • Leave the view script non-authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in lib/wikicfg.pm as described in User Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.

The SuperAdminGroup

The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug). To avoid this:
  • set the $superAdminGroup variable in TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics. E.g.:

The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug for more detail). To avoid this:
  • Set the $superAdminGroup variable in lib/TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics.
 $superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
  • the default setting is not to have superusers
  • The default setting is not to have superusers.
  -- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001

Revision 122001-08-31 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1
Line: 88 to 88
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Read Access Restriction Notes


Read Restriction Known Issues

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation has more on basic authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in wikicfg.pm as described in TWiki Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this hapens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this happens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.

The SuperAdminGroup


The SuperAdminGroup

  The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug). To avoid this:
  • set the $superAdminGroup variable in TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics. E.g.:

Revision 112001-08-30 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Access Control

TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

Line: 25 to 28
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Write Access Restriction for Individual Topics


Write Access Restriction by Topic

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.
Line: 39 to 42
  DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Write Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web


Write Access Restriction by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Line: 51 to 54
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Rename Access Restriction for Individual Topics


Rename Access Restriction by Topic

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a topic. Note that users need this permission in addition to the CHANGE permission in order to rename a topic. They also need CHANGE access to change references in referring topics.
Line: 65 to 68
  DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Rename Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web


Rename Access Restriction by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to do renames for a TWiki web.
Line: 77 to 80
  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Read Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web


Read Access Restriction by Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
Line: 85 to 88
  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
Notes for read access restriction:

Read Access Restriction Notes

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation has more on basic authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
Line: 99 to 103
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001

The SuperAdminGroup

  The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug). To avoid this:
  • set the $superAdminGroup variable in TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics. E.g.:
Line: 110 to 113
  • the default setting is not to have superusers
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
 -- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001
 Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups

Revision 102001-08-29 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Access Control

TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

Line: 99 to 99
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug). To avoid this:
  • set the $superAdminGroup variable in TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics. E.g.:
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
  • the default setting is not to have superusers

-- AndreaSterbini - 11 Apr 2001

Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups

Revision 92001-08-07 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Access Control

TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

Line: 50 to 51
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Rename Access Restriction for Individual Topics

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to rename a topic. Note that users need this permission in addition to the CHANGE permission in order to rename a topic. They also need CHANGE access to change references in referring topics.

Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:

  • Set DENYTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = < list of users and groups >

DENYTOPICCRENAME defines users or groups that are not allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

ALLOWTOPICRENAME defines users or groups that are allowed to rename the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

DENYTOPICRENAME is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICRENAME. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICRENAME list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICRENAME list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICRENAME and ALLOWTOPICRENAME is not defined.

Rename Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to do renames for a TWiki web.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

  • Set DENYWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = < list of users and groups >

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

  • DENYTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides DENYWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICRENAME (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBRENAME (in WebPreferences)

Read Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.

Revision 82001-06-08 - PeterThoeny

Line: 65 to 65
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in wikicfg.pm as described in TWiki Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Enable authentication for the viewauth script in the .htaccess file.
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this hapens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on

Revision 72001-03-16 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Access Control

 TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting read or write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

Line: 6 to 8
  • A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup in case needed.
Users and Groups

Users and Groups

  Access control is based on users and groups.
Line: 22 to 24
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)
Write Access Restriction for Individual Topics

Write Access Restriction for Individual Topics

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.
Line: 36 to 38
  DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.
Write Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

Write Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
Line: 48 to 50
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Read Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

Read Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

  You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.
Line: 73 to 75
  Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
-- PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001

Revision 62001-02-26 - PeterThoeny

Line: 57 to 57
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Notes for read access restriction:

  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation has more on basic authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.

Revision 52001-01-21 - PeterThoeny

Line: 57 to 57
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Notes for read access restriction:

  • Read access restriction only works if the view script is authenticated, that means that users need to log on also just to read topics. TWiki Installation has more on basic authentication based on the .htaccess file.
  • There is a workaround if you prefer to to have unrestricted access to view topics located in normal webs, and to authenticate users only for webs where view restriction is enabled:
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in wikicfg.pm as described in TWiki Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Enable authentication for the viewauth script in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this hapens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.

Revision 42001-01-21 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
TWiki allows to define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics.
TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting read or write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • There is enough peer pressure to post only conform content.
  • Content does not get lost because topics are under revision control.
  • A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup in case needed.
Line: 22 to 22
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)
Access Control for Individual Topics
Write Access Restriction for Individual Topics
You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to a topic.
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a topic or attach files to it.
  Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:
  • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
Line: 36 to 36
  DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.
Access Control per TWiki Web
Write Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web
You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics or create new topics in a TWiki web.
You can define restrictions of who is allowed to make changes to a TWiki web. This includes creating new topics, changing topics or attaching files.
  Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
Line: 48 to 48
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Read Access Restriction for a Whole TWiki Web

You can define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

  • Set DENYWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = < list of users and groups >

Notes for read access restriction:

  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
 Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
-- PeterThoeny - 28 Oct 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001

Revision 32000-12-14 - PeterThoeny

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  You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics or create new topics in a TWiki web.
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
  -- PeterThoeny - 28 Oct 2000

Revision 22000-11-08 - PeterThoeny

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 TWiki allows to define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Is is recommended to use the access control feature only if absolutely necessary because it goes against the free WikiCulture, where everybody is invited to contribute to any topic.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of the WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • There is enough peer pressure to post only conform content.
  • Content does not get lost because topics are under revision control.
  • A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup in case needed.
  Users and Groups
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  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
  -- PeterThoeny - 28 Oct 2000

Revision 12000-10-29 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki allows to define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Is is recommended to use the access control feature only if absolutely necessary because it goes against the free WikiCulture, where everybody is invited to contribute to any topic.

Users and Groups

Access control is based on users and groups.

Users are defined by the user topics in the Main web, i.e. TWikiGuest

  • Users can be authenticated using basic authentication or SSL. Installation Notes has more.

Groups are defined by group topics in the Main web, i.e. TWikiAdminGroup

  • A group topic name must end in ...Group
  • The group topic should define these two variables:
    • Set GROUP = < list of users and groups >
    • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • GROUP defines the members of the group; it is a comma delimited list of users and other groups. Example:
        * Set GROUP = Main.SomeUser, Main.OtherUser, Main.SomeOtherGroup
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines who is allowed to change the group topic; it is a comma delimited list of users and groups. You typically want to restrict that to the members of the group itself, so it should contain the name of the topic, i.e.
        * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
    for the TWikiAdminGroup topic. (This is to prevent users not in the group from editing the topic and gaining unauthorized membership to the group.)

Access Control for Individual Topics

You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to a topic.

Define one or both of these variables in a topic, preferably at the end of the topic:

  • Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = < list of users and groups >

DENYTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are not allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set DENYTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeBadBoy, Main.SomeBadGirl, Main.SomeHackerGroup

ALLOWTOPICCHANGE defines users or groups that are allowed to make changes to the topic. It is a comma delimited list of users and groups. Example:
    * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.SomeGoodGuy, Main.SomeGoodGirl, Main.TWikiAdminGroup

DENYTOPICCHANGE is evaluated before ALLOWTOPICCHANGE. Access is denied if the authenticated person is in the DENYTOPICCHANGE list, or not in the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE list. Access is granted in case DENYTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE is not defined.

Access Control per TWiki Web

You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics or create new topics in a TWiki web.

Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:

  • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)

Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup

-- PeterThoeny - 28 Oct 2000

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAccessControl.