Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and simple Web-based collaboration platform, for intranets, extranets, and the Web. With TWiki, you can easily run a project development space, document managment system, knowledge base, and any other groupware tool. This is the place to learn about it, download it, and try it out for yourself... | |
The official TWikiTM site is http://twiki.org/
Starting points
- WelcomeGuest: Start here for a TWiki crash course.
- TWikiRegistration: Create an TWiki account in order to edit topics and explore customization features.
TWiki User Guide
- A collection of single-page topics: clear, concise how-to guides designed for busy TWiki users.
(TWiki power users will also benefit from browsing the Reference Manual.)
TWiki Reference Manual
- Documentation for Webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, everyone with an interest in installing a world-class TWiki Web collaboration site.
- You are currently in the TWiki.TWiki web. The color code for this web is a light orange background, so you know where you are.
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit WelcomeGuest first.
- TWiki TM is a trademark of PeterThoeny
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