The official TWiki logo is a big "T" in a speech bubble conveying "working together", and has a "collaborate with TWiki" tag line.
These logos are based on master artwork T-logo.svg and T-logo-3640x1038-b.png.
TWiki is shipped with the official TWiki logo in the banner. Site owners may replace the banner logo with their own logo. The logo can be changed in the WIKILOGOIMG
setting (site-wide in TWikiPreferences, or per web in WebPreferences of any web).
If you use the official artwork on your own site you can link back to Use this HTML (with any logo file on this page):
<a href=""><img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif" alt="This site is powered by the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform" title="This site is powered by the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform" border="0" /></a>
If you create your own TWiki skin you are encouraged to add the small 80x31 pixel TWiki logo at the bottom of your skin:
<a href=""><img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiLogos/T-badge-88x31.gif" alt="This site is powered by the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform" width="88" height="31" title="This site is powered by the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform" border="0" /></a>
The logo artwork of should be used "as is" in order to get consistent branding for TWiki.
You may NOT use any original artwork from, nor make or use modified versions of such artwork, except under the following conditions:
TWiki® is a registered trademarks of TWiki founder Peter Thoeny, Twiki Inc
. The TWiki logo and the "Collaborate with TWiki" tagline are trademarks of Peter Thoeny. The TWiki logo is Copyright 2005 by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
, TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
and TWikiContributors.
The logo was created by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny and TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
in September 2005, based on a lot of feedback from the TWiki community. See history and provide feedback at TWiki:Codev.TWikiLogoDevelopment
TWiki shows a small Perl logo next to the TWiki logo at the bottom of every page. This is to help raise the awareness of Perl. The Perl logo links to The Perl Foundation holds the trademark to the Perl logo
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny