Appendix A: TWiki Development Time-line
< < | TWiki Release 5.1 (Istanbul) released on 2011-08-20 & 2012-10-07 |
> > | TWiki Release 5.1 (Istanbul) released on 2011-08-20 — 2012-12-16 |
New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 5.1 |
- In-place editing of TWiki group settings using PreferencesPlugin
- Point and click bookmarks for better usability
- Improved statistics showing overall site usage over time, such as total number of webs, topics, users, etc
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- TopMenuSkin: Option for auto-hidden or fixed top menu-bar; in auto-hidden mode, menu is always accessible with stub - added in TWiki-5.1.2
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- TopMenuSkin: Option for auto-hidden or fixed top menu-bar; in auto-hidden mode, menu is always accessible with stub - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- TWiki Application Platform Enhancements
- Macro language with parameterized variables
- Ability to auto-create page on view if it does not exist
- Set a flag to force password change on next login
- S/Mime support for notification e-mails
- Miscellaneous Feature Enhancements
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- TWikiDocGraphics: Added 2 new icons, and updated 1 icon - added in TWiki-5.1.1
- TWikiDocGraphics: Added 25 new icons, and updated 2 icons - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- TWikiDocGraphics: Added 5 new icons - added in TWiki-5.1.3
- User profile pages with CSS based box shadow and rounded corners - added in TWiki-5.1.3
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- BackupRestorePlugin: Add restore from backup feature - added in TWiki-5.1.1
- CommentPlugin: Send comment to multiple e-mail addresses; better layout & nicer look of default comment box - added in TWiki-5.1.3
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- New SetGetPlugin that can store variables persistently
- SetGetPlugin: Add REST interface - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- SetGetPlugin: GET variable with format parameter - added in TWiki-5.1.3
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- SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions FLOOR() and CEILING() - added in TWiki-5.1.1
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New CALCULATE variable using the register tag handler for variable evaluation with proper inside-out, left-to-right eval order - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions $ISDIGIT(), $ISLOWER(), $ISUPPER(), $ISWIKIWORD() and $FILTER() - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- SetGetPlugin: Add REST interface - added in TWiki-5.1.2
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- SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions FLOOR() and CEILING() - added in TWiki-5.1.1
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New CALCULATE variable using the register tag handler for variable evaluation with proper inside-out, left-to-right eval order; new functions $ISDIGIT(), $ISLOWER(), $ISUPPER(), $ISWIKIWORD() and $FILTER() - added in TWiki-5.1.2
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New function $STDEV(), $STDEVP(), $VAR(), $VARP() - added in TWiki-5.1.3
- Bug Fixes
- 21 bug fixes since TWiki-5.0.2
- 17 bug fixes since TWiki-5.1.0 - fixed in TWiki-5.1.1
- 28 bug fixes since TWiki-5.1.1 - fixed in TWiki-5.1.2
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- 19 bug fixes since TWiki-5.1.2 - fixed in TWiki-5.1.3
See the full list of new features and bug fixes in TWikiReleaseNotes05x01. |
| Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 5.1. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
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- Spec and code: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
, TWiki:Main.SopanShewale , TWiki:Main.GeorgeTrubisky , TWiki:Main.PeterJones , TWiki:Main.ChrisLahti , TWiki:Main.TimotheLitt , TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert , TWiki:Main.IanKluft
- Testing and bug fixing: TWiki:Main.GeorgeTrubisky
, TWiki:Main.SopanShewale , TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny , TWiki:Main.TimotheLitt , TWiki:Main.StefanWalter , TWiki:Main.SpirosDenaxas
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- Spec and code: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
, TWiki:Main.SopanShewale , TWiki:Main.GeorgeTrubisky , TWiki:Main.PeterJones , TWiki:Main.ChrisLahti , TWiki:Main.TimotheLitt , TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert , TWiki:Main.IanKluft , TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
- Testing and bug fixing: TWiki:Main.GeorgeTrubisky
, TWiki:Main.GertjanVanOosten , TWiki:Main.JohnWorsley , TWiki:Main.JosephZamzow , TWiki:Main.JulianCollins , Wiki:Main.PhillipHuang , TWiki:Main.SopanShewale , TWiki:Main.PaulMerchantJr , TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny , TWiki:Main.RolandOldenburg , TWiki:Main.StefanScherer , TWiki:Main.StefanWalter , TWiki:Main.SpirosDenaxas , TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert , TWiki:Main.TimotheLitt , TWiki:Main.WillemEngen , TWiki:Main.MahiroAndo , TWiki:Main.YaojunFei
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| See more details on the TWiki 5.1 release at TWikiReleaseNotes05x01.
< < | TWiki Release 5.0 (Helsinki) released on 2010-05-29 & 2011-04-21 |
> > | TWiki Release 5.0 (Helsinki) released on 2010-05-29 — 2011-04-21 |
New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 5.0 |