Difference: ManagingWebs (1 vs. 39)

Revision 392013-03-05 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

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Adding a New Web

 Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs. You can organize content within a web using categories, TWikiForms and FormattedSearch.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb.
Web color:
Select color for the new web, shown in the list of webs.

Note: Use a light color within the top 1/4th area of the center square depicting the saturation/luminance gradients.
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map

Enter a short description of the web. Write [[Web.TopicName][title]] instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap.

Revision 382012-02-10 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 20 to 20

Choose Web Template

There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character (for example _default). All topics in the template web will be copied into your new web.
New webs are based on a web you specify. There are two types of webs you can use to create a new web:
  • Use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character (for example _default).
  • Use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you would like to use as a starting point.
The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you would like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.

In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire. Any TWikiVariables defined in the form below will automatically be set in the WebPreferences of the new web.

In either case all topics in the template web will be copied into the new web. Make sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire. Any settings defined in the form below will automatically be set in the WebPreferences of the new web.

Adding a New Web

Revision 372011-09-24 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

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A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.
A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one workspace, one area of collaboration. Each web is a container for topics. Each topic is a container for page content and attachments. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.

Namespace and URL

The name of the web and topic is represented in the page URL. For example, http://twiki.example.com/do/view/Sandbox/WebNotify tells us that we view topic WebNotify located in the Sandbox web.

TIP Tip: The URL of a web's homepage ends in /WebHome by default. The name of the homepage topic can safely be omitted to make for shorter and more legible links. For example, http://twiki.example.com/do/view/Sandbox links to the homepage of the Sandbox web.


Choose Web Template

Revision 362011-05-06 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 26 to 26
 Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs. You can organize content within a web using categories, TWikiForms and FormattedSearch.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb.
Web color:
Select color for the new web, shown in the list of webs.

Note: Use a light color within the top 1/4th area of the center square depicting the saturation/luminance gradients.
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map

Enter a short description of the web. Write [[Web.TopicName][title]] instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.

Enter a short description of the web. Write [[Web.TopicName][title]] instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap.
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web, it will simply hide it from searches. Use access control if needed.
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  You can only create hierarchical webs (webs within webs) if the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure is enabled. Hierarchical webs are currently enabled.
TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.
TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple. TWiki runs faster if hierarchical webs are disabled.
  You can create hierarchical webs via the Adding a New Web form above, by using a slash- or dot-separated path name which is based on an existing web name in the Name of new web: field.


To create a subweb named Bar inside a web named Foo, use Foo/Bar or Foo.Bar as the new web name in the form above.
To create a sub-web named Bar inside a web named Foo, use Foo/Bar or Foo.Bar as the new web name in the form above.

Subweb Preferences are Inherited


Sub-web Preferences are Inherited

The preferences of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
The preferences of a sub-web are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
  Example Preference Inheritance for Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic topic:
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The Pattern skin (default) indicates Subwebs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy.
The PatternSkin indicates sub-webs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy. The SiteMap shows a list of webs; sub-webs are separated by dots, such as Web.SubWeb.SubSubWeb.

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Revision 352010-05-06 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

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Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap

Enter a short description of the web. Write [[Web.TopicName][title]] instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.

Revision 342009-05-02 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 24 to 24
  Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs. You can organize content within a web using categories, TWikiForms and FormattedSearch.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
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Renaming or Deleting a Web

Rename a web via the Tools section in each WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.
Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.


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  If anyone is editing a topic which requires updating, or which lives in the web being renamed, a second confirmation screen will come up which will indicate which topics are still locked for edit. You may continue to hit the refresh button until an edit lease is obtained for each topic which requires updating (the "Refresh" button will change to "Submit"), or hit "Cancel", which will cancel your edit lease on all affected topics.

Renaming the webs in the distribution


Renaming the TWiki or Main webs

It is possible, though not recommended, to change the names of the webs in the distribution.
Although technically possible, it is strongly advised not to rename the TWiki and Main webs. It complicates upgrades, and some extensions may make assumptions on the names of those system webs. For this reason, the rename web link is disabled in the WebPreferences topic in those webs.
If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %USERSWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.
HELP Suggestion: Create a web that is the entry point for your TWiki, and change the link of the upper left site logo to that web. Do that with a WIKILOGOURL setting in Main.TWikiPreferences.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

ALERT! Renaming the webs in the distribution is not recommended because it makes upgrades much more complicated.

If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs anyway:
  • Physically move the webs below twiki/data and twiki/pub on the shell level.
  • Change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.
  Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/MikeMannix, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main/GrantBow

Revision 332008-12-01 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 25 to 25
  Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map
Line: 33 to 33
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.

Revision 322006-07-22 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 25 to 25
Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.
Line: 76 to 76


You may only rename a web if you have permissions to rename all the topics within that web, including any topics in that web's subwebs. You will also need permissions to update any topics containing references to that web.
You may only rename a web if you have the following permissions
  • You must be allowed to rename and changes topics in the web you want to rename
  • You must be allowed to rename topics in the parent web of the web you want to rename
  • If the web is a root web (i.e. it has no parent web) then you must have permission to both create and rename root webs. These permissions are controlled by the ALLOWROOTCHANGE preference, which can be set in Main.TWikiPreferences.
  • If you move the web to another parent web you must be allowed to create and change topics in the new parent web.

When you rename a web TWiki will try and update all links that refer to the old web. You should note that links only get updated in topics that you are allowed to edit. If you use access rights in the TWiki installation it is generally best to let an administrator rename webs to avoid too many broken links.


Edit Conflicts

Revision 312006-07-22 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs


Managing Webs

  Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web-based operations.


A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators (in the TWikiAdminGroup) can add/rename/delete webs.
A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.

Choose Web Template

Line: 16 to 17
  The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you would like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.
In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire.
In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire. Any TWikiVariables defined in the form below will automatically be set in the WebPreferences of the new web.

Adding a New Web

Create a new web by filling out this form.

ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using categories, TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! Don't create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Set NOSEARCHALL: No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Site Map: Yes   No Include this web in the site map

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This description will be used in the SiteMap
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Hidden: Yes   No Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.


  • You have to have ROOTCHANGE access to create a top-level web (one with no parent)
  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • TWiki does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.


You may only rename a web if you have permissions to rename all the topics within that web, including any topics in that web's subwebs. You will also need permissions to update any topics containing references to that web.

Edit Conflicts

If anyone is editing a topic which requires updating, or which lives in the web being renamed, a second confirmation screen will come up which will indicate which topics are still locked for edit. You may continue to hit the refresh button until an edit lease is obtained for each topic which requires updating (the "Refresh" button will change to "Submit"), or hit "Cancel", which will cancel your edit lease on all affected topics.

Renaming the webs in the distribution

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.

ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

  • You must have ROOTCHANGE access to create a top-level web (one with no parent)
  • Only the person who created it has permission to change the WebPreferences in the new web

Hierarchical Webs

Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
You can only create hierarchical webs (webs within webs) if the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure is enabled. Hierarchical webs are currently enabled.
  TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.
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Subweb Preferences are Inherited

The preferences of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
The preferences of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
  Example Preference Inheritance for Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic topic:
  1. TWiki.TWikiPreferences site-wide preferences
  2. Sandbox.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
  1. TWiki.TWikiPreferences site-wide preferences
  2. Sandbox.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
  1. Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox.WebPreferences
  2. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences
  3. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences
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  The Pattern skin (default) indicates Subwebs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy.

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Rename a web via the Tools section in each WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.


You may only rename a web if you have permissions to rename all the topics within that web, including any topics in that web's subwebs. You will also need permissions to update any topics containing references to that web.

Edit Conflicts

If anyone is editing a topic which requires updating, or which lives in the web being renamed, a second confirmation screen will come up which will indicate which topics are still locked for edit. You may continue to hit the refresh button until an edit lease is obtained for each topic which requires updating (the "Refresh" button will change to "Submit"), or hit "Cancel", which will cancel your edit lease on all affected topics.

Renaming the webs in the distribution

It is possible, though not recommended, to change the names of the webs in the distribution.

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %USERSWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.

ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

ALERT! Renaming the webs in the distribution is not recommended because it makes upgrades much more complicated.

  Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory

Revision 302006-07-22 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 36 to 36


  • You have to have ROOTCHANGE access to create a top-level web (one with no parent)
  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • TWiki does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand
Line: 57 to 58
  If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the relevant settings in the configuration using the configure interface.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

Hierarchical Webs

Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
  TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.

Revision 292005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 14 to 14
  There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character (for example _default). All topics in the template web will be copied into your new web.
The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.
The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you would like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.
  In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire.
Line: 37 to 37
  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.
Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.


Line: 54 to 55

Renaming the webs in the distribution

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, which by default is Main (this is assigned in the site configuration). That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically with the renameweb function mentioned above, in the Main.WebPreferences topic.
If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.
If you want to rename the TWiki web, remember it is referred to by %TWIKIWEB% which is also defined by a configuration setting.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the relevant settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

Hierarchical Webs

Line: 77 to 78
 Example Preference Inheritance for Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic topic:

  1. TWiki.TWikiPreferences site-wide preferences
  1. Sandbox.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
  2. Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox.WebPreferences
  3. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences
  4. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences
  1. Sandbox.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
  2. Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox.WebPreferences
  3. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences
  4. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences


Revision 282005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Line: 29 to 29
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. Note that the SiteMap will not list the web if you select Yes.
Set NOSEARCHALL: No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. This will not prevent users accessing the web. It will simply hide it from searches.

Revision 272005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

Adding webs is a web based operation; renaming and deleting webs are manual operations done directly on the server
Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web-based operations.


A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.
A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators (in the TWikiAdminGroup) can add/rename/delete webs.

Choose Web Template

There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character. All topics in the _default template web will be copied into your new web.
There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character (for example _default). All topics in the template web will be copied into your new web.
  The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.
Line: 21 to 21

Adding a New Web

Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with an upper case letters, followed by optional upper or lower case letters or numbers
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Create a new web by filling out this form.
ALERT! Note: Keep the number of webs to a minimum! It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using categories, TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs.
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. Note that the SiteMap will not list the web if you select Yes.


  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • This script does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences file to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand
  • As of TWiki Release 01 Sep 2004, a web name can be a WikiWord. Prior to that it could be only UPPER or UPPERlower. A side effect of this is that if you do use a wiki name, %WEB% must be written as <nop>%WEB% or else it will try to link to a non-existing topic of that name
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • TWiki does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.
Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.
  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable
  3. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP
  4. Go to twiki/data and rename or remove the web directory
  5. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present
  6. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present

Renaming the MAINWEB

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).

-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003



You may only rename a web if you have permissions to rename all the topics within that web, including any topics in that web's subwebs. You will also need permissions to update any topics containing references to that web.

Edit Conflicts

If anyone is editing a topic which requires updating, or which lives in the web being renamed, a second confirmation screen will come up which will indicate which topics are still locked for edit. You may continue to hit the refresh button until an edit lease is obtained for each topic which requires updating (the "Refresh" button will change to "Submit"), or hit "Cancel", which will cancel your edit lease on all affected topics.

Renaming the webs in the distribution

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, which by default is Main (this is assigned in the site configuration). That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically with the renameweb function mentioned above, in the Main.WebPreferences topic.

If you want to rename the TWiki web, remember it is referred to by %TWIKIWEB% which is also defined by a configuration setting.

Hierarchical Webs

Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.

TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.

You can create hierarchical webs via the Adding a New Web form above, by using a slash- or dot-separated path name which is based on an existing web name in the Name of new web: field.


To create a subweb named Bar inside a web named Foo, use Foo/Bar or Foo.Bar as the new web name in the form above.

Subweb Preferences are Inherited

The preferences of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.

Example Preference Inheritance for Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic topic:

  1. TWiki.TWikiPreferences site-wide preferences
  2. Sandbox.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
  3. Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox.WebPreferences
  4. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences
  5. Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences


The Pattern skin (default) indicates Subwebs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy.

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory

Revision 262004-08-21 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 44 to 44
  Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.

Renaming the MAINWEB

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).

  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable
Line: 56 to 53
  1. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present

Renaming the MAINWEB

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).

 -- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003

Revision 242004-08-15 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 23 to 23
Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with an upper case letters, followed by optional upper or lower case letters or numbers
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Line: 34 to 34
Note: Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics. This will be a feature added for the TWiki:Codev/CairoRelease.

Note: This script does not yet edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences file to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand.

The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.

  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • This script does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences file to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand
  • As of TWiki Release 01 Sep 2004, a web name can be a WikiWord. Prior to that it could be only UPPER or UPPERlower. A side effect of this is that if you do use a wiki name, %WEB% must be written as <nop>%WEB% or else it will try to link to a non-existing topic of that name

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.

NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).
  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  3. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP.
  4. Go to twiki/data and rename or remove the web directory.
  5. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present.
  6. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present.

-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003


Renaming the MAINWEB

If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).

  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable
  3. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP
  4. Go to twiki/data and rename or remove the web directory
  5. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present
  6. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present

-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003

Revision 232003-01-19 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 9 to 9
  A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.

Choose Web Template

There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character. All topics in the _default template web will be copied into your new web.

The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.

In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire.


Adding a New Web

Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Line: 25 to 34
Note: Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics. This will be a feature added for the TWiki:Codev/CairoRelease.

Note: This script does not yet edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences file to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand.

The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.


Renaming or Deleting a Web

Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.

NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).
NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).
  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
Line: 38 to 53
  1. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present.
  2. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present.
-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002
-- GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003

Revision 222003-01-08 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 12 to 12

Adding a New Web

 Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs

Revision 212003-01-05 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 12 to 12

Adding a New Web

 Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs

Revision 202003-01-05 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 12 to 12

Adding a New Web

 Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs

Revision 192002-04-14 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 13 to 13

Adding a New Web

Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from an existing web
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search
Update WIKIWEBLIST: No   Yes Specify if you want to list the new web in the WIKIWEBLIST displayed by some skins in the upper right hand corner

Enter a short description of the web. This is for listing the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory)
Used to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. Note that the SiteMap will not list the web if you select Yes.
For detailed instructions, see TWiki Installation Guide: Adding a New Web.

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.

Revision 182002-04-07 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Adding, renaming and deleting webs are manual operations done directly on the server
Adding webs is a web based operation; renaming and deleting webs are manual operations done directly on the server


Managing TWiki webs requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.
A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.

Adding a New Web

Adding new webs is quick and easy - you can have a basic web up and running in a couple of minutes:
Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/Newweb
    • the name has to start with a capital and cannot be a WikiWord
  2. Copy in the contents of twiki/data/_default.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from an existing web
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search
Update WIKIWEBLIST: No   Yes Specify if you want to list the new web in the WIKIWEBLIST displayed by some skins in the upper right hand corner

Enter a short description of the web. This is for listing the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory)
Used to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
  For detailed instructions, see TWiki Installation Guide: Adding a New Web.

Renaming or Deleting a Web

Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.
 NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).
  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  1. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  1. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP.
  2. Go to twiki/data and rename or remove the web directory.
  3. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present.
  4. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present.

-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001

-- PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002

Revision 172001-09-14 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 13 to 13
  Adding new webs is quick and easy - you can have a basic web up and running in a couple of minutes:
  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/Newweb
  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/Newweb
    • the name has to start with a capital and cannot be a WikiWord
  1. Copy in the contents of twiki/data/_default.
For detailed instructions, see TWiki Installation Guide: Adding a New Web.
For detailed instructions, see TWiki Installation Guide: Adding a New Web.

Renaming or Deleting a Web

NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).

  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to =%MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to %MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
  1. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  2. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  3. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP.

Revision 162001-09-14 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote


Managing Webs

Adding, renaming and deleting webs is done directly on the server
Adding, renaming and deleting webs are manual operations done directly on the server


Managing TWiki webs requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are no browser-based web tools.
Managing TWiki webs requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.

How to Add a New Web


Adding a New Web

  Adding new webs is quick and easy - you can have a basic web up and running in a couple of minutes:
  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/newweb
  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/Newweb
    • the name has to start with a capital and cannot be a WikiWord
  1. Copy in the contents of twiki/data/_default.
For detailed instructions: TWiki Installation Guide: Creating a New Web.
For detailed instructions, see TWiki Installation Guide: Adding a New Web.

How to Rename or Delete a Web


Renaming or Deleting a Web

NOTE: Think twice if you intend to rename the TWiki.Main web, since many files point to it. If you rename it, you also have to change all occurrences of Main to the new web name (like the web prefixes for all user signatures, Main.SomeName). (On the other hand, if the %MAINWEB% variable is used throughout, you won't have that problem.)
  1. Prepare your site: Other webs may link to the web you want to rename or delete. Search each web for links to the target web: search all webs for Abouttochange. - include the period to find topics like Abouttochange.SomeTopic. Make changes as required.
NOTE: If you plan to rename the TWiki.Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in %MAINWEB%, default named Main. That means, every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout).
  1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for Oldwebname., including the dot so you'll find references like Oldwebname.SomeTopic.
    • Make changes as required, to Newwebname.SomeTopic or better yet, to =%MAINWEB%.SomeTopic.
  1. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  2. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  1. Connect to the TWiki server: Login via Telnet or FTP.
  2. Edit the data files: Go to twiki/data and rename or delete the web directory.
  3. Edit the template files: Go to twiki/templates and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  4. Edit the public files: Go to twiki/pub and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  1. Login to the TWiki server, via Telnet or FTP.
  2. Go to twiki/data and rename or remove the web directory.
  3. Go to twiki/templates and rename or remove the web directory if present.
  4. Go to twiki/pub and rename or remove the web directory if present.
-- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001

Revision 142001-09-09 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

Line: 11 to 11

How to Add a New Web

Adding new webs is quick and easy - you can have a basic web up and running in a couple of minutes:

  1. Create a new directory under twiki/data/, ex: twiki/data/newweb
  2. Copy in the contents of twiki/data/_default.

For detailed instructions: TWiki Installation Guide: Creating a New Web.


How to Rename or Delete a Web

Revision 132001-09-07 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs


Managing Webs

  Adding, renaming and deleting webs is done directly on the server




  Managing TWiki webs requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are no browser-based web tools.

How to Add a New Web


How to Add a New Web


How to Rename or Delete a Web


How to Rename or Delete a Web

  NOTE: Think twice if you intend to rename the TWiki.Main web, since many files point to it. If you rename it, you also have to change all occurrences of Main to the new web name (like the web prefixes for all user signatures, Main.SomeName). (On the other hand, if the %MAINWEB% variable is used throughout, you won't have that problem.)
  1. Prepare your site: Other webs may link to the web you want to rename or delete. Search each web for links to the target web: search all webs for Abouttochange. - include the period to find topics like Abouttochange.SomeTopic. Make changes as required.

Revision 122001-09-05 - MikeMannix

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Managing Webs

Adding, renaming and deleting webs is done directly on the server
Adding, renaming and deleting webs is done directly on the server


To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. There are no browser-based web management tools. You can prepare a web for changes through browser-based individual topics by browser (see ModifyTopics).
Managing TWiki webs requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are no browser-based web tools.

How to Add a New Web


How to Rename or Delete a Web

  • NOTE: Think twice if you intend to rename the TWiki.Main web, since many files point to it. If you do rename it, you'll also have to change all occurrences of Main to the new web name - this includes, for example, the user signatures across your entire TWiki site. (On the other hand, if the variable %MAINWEB% is used throughout, you have no problem.)
  1. Prepare your site: Other webs may link to the web you want to rename or delete. Search each web for links to the target web: search all webs for Abouttochange. - include the period to find topics like Abouttochange.SomeTopic. Make changes as required.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  3. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  4. Connect to the TWiki server: Login via Telnet or FTP.
  5. Edit the data files: Go to twiki/data and rename or delete the web directory.
  6. Edit the template files: Go to twiki/templates and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  7. Edit the public files: Go to twiki/pub and rename or delete the web directory if present.
NOTE: Think twice if you intend to rename the TWiki.Main web, since many files point to it. If you rename it, you also have to change all occurrences of Main to the new web name (like the web prefixes for all user signatures, Main.SomeName). (On the other hand, if the %MAINWEB% variable is used throughout, you won't have that problem.)
  1. Prepare your site: Other webs may link to the web you want to rename or delete. Search each web for links to the target web: search all webs for Abouttochange. - include the period to find topics like Abouttochange.SomeTopic. Make changes as required.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  3. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  4. Connect to the TWiki server: Login via Telnet or FTP.
  5. Edit the data files: Go to twiki/data and rename or delete the web directory.
  6. Edit the template files: Go to twiki/templates and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  7. Edit the public files: Go to twiki/pub and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 112001-09-03 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Managing Webs

To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. Before making changes to a web, you can move individual topics through your browser (see ModifyTopics). No similar web controls are available through the browser interface.
Adding, renaming and deleting webs is done directly on the server


To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. There are no browser-based web management tools. You can prepare a web for changes through browser-based individual topics by browser (see ModifyTopics).


How to Add a New Web

Revision 102001-09-01 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Modifying Webs


Managing Webs

To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. Before making changes to a web, you can move individual topics through your browser (see ModifyTopics). No similar web controls are available through the browser interface.
To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. Before making changes to a web, you can move individual topics through your browser (see ModifyTopics). No similar web controls are available through the browser interface.

How to Add a New Web

Revision 82001-08-30 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

Add, Name, or Delete Webs


Modifying Webs

  To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. Before making changes to a web, you can move individual topics through your browser (see ModifyTopics). No similar web controls are available through the browser interface.

Revision 72001-08-30 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Administration


Add, Name, or Delete Webs

The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget. So you can't delete a topic, however you can move or rename a topic and the original information is saved in topic meta data. If you want an even stronger memory, you can disable renaming on some or all topics; see TWikiAccessControl.
To work with entire TWiki webs, you need direct access to the installation files on the host server. Connecting by Telnet or FTP is the usual approach. Before making changes to a web, you can move individual topics through your browser (see ModifyTopics). No similar web controls are available through the browser interface.

How to add a New Web


How to Add a New Web


How to Rename or Delete a Web

  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. search all webs for Obsolete. (include the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • NOTE: Think twice if you intend to rename the TWiki.Main web, since many files point to it. If you do rename it, you'll also have to change all occurrences of Main to the new web name - this includes, for example, the user signatures across your entire TWiki site. (On the other hand, if the variable %MAINWEB% is used throughout, you have no problem.)
  1. Prepare your site: Other webs may link to the web you want to rename or delete. Search each web for links to the target web: search all webs for Abouttochange. - include the period to find topics like Abouttochange.SomeTopic. Make changes as required.
  2. Edit the TWikiPreferences topic: Rename or delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  3. Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic: Rename or delete the web from the table.
  4. Connect to the TWiki server: Login via Telnet or FTP.
  5. Edit the data files: Go to twiki/data and rename or delete the web directory.
  6. Edit the template files: Go to twiki/templates and rename or delete the web directory if present.
  7. Edit the public files: Go to twiki/pub and rename or delete the web directory if present.
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Aug 2001
-- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 62001-08-07 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Administration

The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.

Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.

How to Rename or Delete a Topic

  • Go to the topic you want to rename / delete.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.
The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget. So you can't delete a topic, however you can move or rename a topic and the original information is saved in topic meta data. If you want an even stronger memory, you can disable renaming on some or all topics; see TWikiAccessControl.

How to add a New Web

Line: 29 to 20
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.

-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001

-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Aug 2001

Revision 52001-03-04 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Administration

 The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.

Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.

How to Rename or Delete a Topic

How to Rename or Delete a Topic

  • Go to the topic you want to rename / delete.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.
How to add a New Web

How to add a New Web

How to Rename or Delete a Web

How to Rename or Delete a Web

  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. search all webs for Obsolete. (include the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.
-- PeterThoeny - 12 Nov 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001

Revision 42000-12-14 - PeterThoeny

Line: 19 to 19
  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. search all webs for Obsolete. (include the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.

Revision 32000-11-30 - PeterThoeny

Line: 13 to 13
  How to add a New Web
  How to Rename or Delete a Web

Revision 22000-11-12 - PeterThoeny

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The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.
The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.
Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.
Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.
  How to Rename or Delete a Topic

  • Go to the topic you want to rename / delete.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed. Note: Ref-By only finds topics in the current web. Search also in other webs if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.

How to add a New Web

  How to Rename or Delete a Web
  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. in each web search for Obsolete. (including the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. search all webs for Obsolete. (include the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory if present.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.
-- PeterThoeny - 01 May 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 12 Nov 2000

Revision 12000-05-01 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.

Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.

How to Rename or Delete a Topic

  • Go to the topic you want to rename / delete.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed. Note: Ref-By only finds topics in the current web. Search also in other webs if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.

How to add a New Web

How to Rename or Delete a Web

  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. in each web search for Obsolete. (including the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.

-- PeterThoeny - 01 May 2000

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingWebs.